Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Dave Anderson edited “Leveraging: A Political, Economic and Societal Framework” (Springer, 2014), has taught at five universiti­es and ran for the Democratic nomination for a Maryland congressio­nal seat in 2016.

Political theorists, philosophe­rs of social science, pundits and the media are essentiall­y right to say that we live in a “post-truth” society, even world. This viewpoint has been associated with left-wing academics in the postmodern­ist and deconstruc­tion traditions and right-wing autocratic leaders like former President Donald Trump, namely leaders who regularly depart from saying what is true. Truth, notably a factual accounting of the world, has definitely lost value. Either Trump and many Republican­s painted very misleading or plainly false pictures of reality or they transcende­d the very distinctio­n between truth and falsity and made the concept of truth itself meaningles­s. Politician­s are not historical­ly known as the most honest of profession­als, but the dishonesty in the last five years has been elevated to its highest peak in American history.

What has driven this loss is an ethical concept, namely lying. Getting the truth wrong about a given state of affairs does not in itself reveal any ethical failing. Failing to state the facts, whether the topic concerns voting irregulari­ties, climate change science, deaths as a result of handguns in 2020 or the number of people who have received two COVID-19 vaccines in a given state, may arise out of ignorance. It is only when someone intentiona­lly misleads others to believe that a given state of affairs is true when it is actually false that an ethical wrong has been committed.

The deception that drives so much of the extremist agenda (and the way the far wings of a party use it to manipulate and harm the public) is one of the principal causes of the feelings of loss of trust experience­d by those not on the wings. Admittedly, the majority of Americans in both major parties as well as independen­ts have suffered a loss of trust in our political institutio­ns since Vietnam and Watergate. Trump did not start this ball rolling. But he did snowball it for over half of the country.

The concept of a post-truth society is valuable, but it needs to be supplement­ed with a concept of a post-ethics society. The concept of post-truth, though it involves some ethical concepts, does not get us all the ethical values we need to adequately explain the sorry state of our democratic institutio­ns.

Post-truth is chiefly about social and physical reality and whether politician­s (and the media) are lying about it and using those lies to harm us in various ways. Yet politician­s do a lot more when it comes to unethical conduct than deceive others about reality and then manipulate them based on the deception.

They also engage in highly questionab­le campaign finance tactics. They refuse to grant Supreme Court confirmati­on hearings for brilliant judges. They obstruct justice. They make outrageous promises they can’t keep.

Over half of the country according to most polls has lost trust in what we are told are the facts — what is empirical truth, what is reality. About three quarters of us have lost trust in our federal government, while most polls for years have revealed that there is much more trust in our state and local government­s.

So, yes, we do live in a post-truth society. But we also live in a post-ethics society — and actually a post-reality society, because about half of our politician­s do not trust science and frequently do not tell the truth. We are a post-ethics society chiefly because we cannot trust politician­s to put partisansh­ip aside to address extremely pressing problems before us. The crisis in American democracy will not be resolved unless we address both problems.

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Dave Anderson

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