Chattanooga Times Free Press



The House select committee examining the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on just announced subpoenas on two groups that served as the shock troops in the assault on the Capitol: The Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.

This will likely provoke a serious escalation of anger on the right. Which in turn highlights two subplots about the ongoing investigat­ion: First, investigat­ors appear largely unfazed by right wing efforts to cow them into backing off by depicting the inquiry as a broader persecutio­n of conservati­ves.

Second, despite efforts on the right to cast the investigat­ion in those terms, the focus is falling heavily on the motives and conduct of potential organizers of the assault, as distinct from rallygoers outside those groups who might have gotten swept up in the passions of the moment.

The letters that the select committee sent to the new subpoena targets do not say exactly what was subpoenaed. But you can glean a sense of general intent: It appears investigat­ors want to determine the degree of coordinati­on that went into the assault.

For instance, the letter to Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the head of the far right Proud Boys, declares that Tarrio posted online days before Jan. 6 that the group will be showing up “incognito” without their “traditiona­l black and yellow.”

The letter also notes that “at least 34 individual­s affiliated with the Proud Boys” have been indicted in relation to the attack, and says the indictment­s “describe prior planning and coordinati­on.” The letter cites indication­s to this effect on social media in the run-up to Jan. 6. And as Kyle Cheney has reported, indictment­s also allege a carefully coordinate­d assault on weak points in the Capitol.

Similarly, the letter to the Oath Keepers, a loose collection of anti-government militia, cites a federal indictment alleging a conspiracy among some members to impede an official proceeding by disrupting the electoral count, which Donald Trump incited the mob to carry out that day.

All this comes after the committee subpoenaed longtime Trump confidante Roger Stone, noting explicitly in its letter that Stone both helped organize the rally that culminated in the attack and that he had relied on the Oath Keepers to provide personal security.

Clearly, the committee is focusing on gaining as much insight as possible into how preplanned the attack was and the degree to which its express intent was to disrupt the transfer of power to keep Trump in power illegitima­tely.

It was not obvious the committee would go this route. Right wing media have been pushing hard on the narrative that as retributio­n for Jan. 6, a massive and jackbooted persecutio­n is underway against conservati­ves everywhere. Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that Jan. 6 was a false flag pretext for this is what prompted two high profile conservati­ves to quit Fox News.

I asked Jamie Raskin if targeting groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers could give right wing media grist to argue that conservati­ves are being persecuted.

“We are certainly investigat­ing groups that were involved in the violence on Jan. 6, regardless of whatever the content of their ideology is,” Raskin told me. “We’re interested in the groups that participat­ed in smashing our windows, attacking our officers, and storming the Capitol.”

All this suggests an evolving understand­ing of Jan. 6. It differenti­ates between the mob of people drawn to the Capitol by Trump’s exhortatio­ns who just happened to get caught up in the violence, and groups that may have actively planned an assault for the express purpose of thwarting the election’s peaceful conclusion, which Trump had urged his vice president to use his powers to execute.

All of which suggests yet again that the committee is casting a very wide net, one that will go far beyond merely piecing together the events of that one horrible day.

 ?? ?? Greg Sargent
Greg Sargent

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