Chattanooga Times Free Press

Mankind is unable to rationaliz­e God


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Q: I’ve earned four degrees and have traveled around the world. This has helped me understand people and cultures and the reasons why people are so different, and even hostile toward one another. Most hatred seems to come from religious persuasion­s. People fight over the silliest things, like how the world was created. Why not just get rid of religion and let people work things out? - W.M.

A: When we put our faith in God the Creator, it does not negate the need for education or experience; but without faith in God, life is void of true joy, peace, and purpose. The Bible begins with the simple words: “In the beginning God….” These four words are the cornerston­e of all existence and of all human history. Without God, there could have been no beginning and no continuing. God was the creating power. By divine fiat, He brought form out of shapelessn­ess, order out of disorder, and light out of darkness.

Man cannot rationaliz­e God, though we try and fail. There are mysteries

about God that we’ll ever understand in this life. We should not think it strange that it’s impossible to comprehend God intellectu­ally, when it’s equally impossible to explain many mysteries in the realm of matter. Who can fathom the law of gravity? Newton discovered it, but he couldn’t explain it.

There are many arguments we could marshal to give evidence of the existence of God. We see objects that have no intellect, such as stars and planets, moving in a consistent pattern, cooperatin­g with one another. Hence, it’s evident that they achieve their movements not by accident but by design. If God can be fully proved by the human mind, then He is no greater than the mind that proves Him. Cry out to God, “Lord … help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

 ?? ?? Billy Graham
Billy Graham

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