Chattanooga Times Free Press

Election conspiraci­sts claim some races for local offices


As voting experts cheered the losses of election conspiracy theorists in numerous high-profile races on Election Day, Paddy McGuire prepared to hand over his office to one of them.

McGuire, the auditor of Mason County in western Washington, lost his reelection bid to Steve Duenkel, a Republican who has echoed former President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. Duenkel, who invited a prominent election conspiraci­st to the area and led a doorto-door effort to find voter fraud, defeated McGuire by 100 votes in the conservati­ve-leaning county of 60,000.

“There are all these stories about the election denier secretary of state candidates who lost in purple states,” said McGuire, referring to the state office that normally oversees voting. “But secretarie­s of state don’t count ballots. Those of us on the ground, whether we’re clerks or auditors or recorders, do.”

Republican­s who supported Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election lost bids for statewide offices that play key roles in overseeing voting in the six states that decided the last presidenti­al election, as well as in races across the country.

But an untold number won in local elections to control the positions that run on-the-ground election operations in counties, cities and townships across the country.

“Without a doubt, election denial is alive and well, and this is a continuing threat,” said Joanna Lydgate of States United, a group highlighti­ng the risk of election conspiracy theorists trying to take over election administra­tion.

Of the nine Republican­s running for secretary of state who echoed Trump’s lies about the 2020 presidenti­al election or supported his efforts to overturn its results, three won — all in Republican­dominated states.

In Alabama, state Rep. Wes Allen isn’t even waiting to take office before making waves. Last week, he announced that once he becomes secretary of state he will withdraw from ERIC, a multistate database of voter registrati­ons. The system is designed to notify states when voters need to be removed because they’ve relocated, but it’s become a target of election conspiracy theorists.

Allen echoed those conspiracy theories during his campaign, but in a statement last week he instead said he was motivated by a desire to protect the privacy of Alabama voters. His call to exit ERIC drew a stark rebuke from the state’s outgoing secretary of state, John Merrill, a fellow Republican.

“So, if Wes Allen plans to remove Alabama from its relationsh­ip with ERIC, how does he intend to maintain election security without access to the necessary data, legal authority, or capability to conduct proper voter list maintenanc­e?” Merrill’s office said in a statement, referencin­g how ERIC flags when a voter has moved out of state and can be removed from Alabama’s rolls.

In deeply conservati­ve Wyoming, Republican Chuck Gray was the only candidate for secretary of state on the ballot. Once he won the GOP primary in August, his ascension was guaranteed.

In Indiana, Diego Morales ousted the incumbent secretary of state, a fellow Republican, during the party’s nominating convention by echoing Trump’s conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidenti­al election. He reined in his rhetoric during his successful general election campaign.

Morales did not respond to a request for comment. He was the only one of 17 Republican election conspiraci­sts in a group called the America First Secretary of State Coalition to win his general election race.

The record is far murkier at the local level, where elections are actually run and ballots are counted.

There are thousands of separate election offices in the U.S. In many states, elections are conducted by county offices overseen by clerks or auditors, though in some they are administer­ed at the municipal level in cities or even townships.

No organizati­on tracks local election offices. The Democratic group Run for Something, alarmed at the prospect of election conspiraci­sts occupying these posts, started an initiative to support candidates it dubbed “defenders of democracy” this year. It estimated 1,700 separate elections were being held either for posts to run elections, or for bodies such as county commission­s that appoint election directors.

Amanda Litman, co-founder of the organizati­on, said the group was tracking 32 races where they supported candidates. Their candidate won in 17 races and lost in 12, while three have yet to be called. Most significan­tly, she said, they won eight races against election deniers, and lost only three.

“It’s generally a good sign that when you’re able to make the stakes of the race about democracy, you win,” Litman said.

Still, she added, it’s hard to track all the potential election conspiracy theorists who got into local office: “It’s a little bit unknowable.”

Some prominent election conspiracy theorists did win local posts.

In the Atlanta area, Bridget Thorne, who attended numerous meetings of the Fulton County Commission to talk about conspiracy theories revolving around the 2020 election, won a post on the commission. However, it’s dominated by Democrats, so she likely will have limited ability to bring pressure on the county’s elections department.

In Washoe County, the swing area in Nevada that includes Reno, Republican Mike Clark

won one of the five county commission seats. He told a local newspaper that “I don’t have any personal knowledge” of whether President Joe Biden legitimate­ly won the 2020 election.

And in Mason County, Duenkel spread conspiracy theories about local and national elections. He helped lead a group of volunteers who went door-to-door checking for voters who didn’t live

where they were registered, and claimed they had found thousands. A local television station retraced their steps and found numerous errors by the group.

Still, every Republican on the ballot won Mason County this election. McGuire said he called Duenkel to congratula­te him and left him a voice mail, but never got a call back. Duenkel also did not respond to requests for comment from The Associated Press.

“He got more votes than me and he won,” McGuire said. “That’s what an election profession­al does — respect the will of the voters and stand

behind the results, whether one is happy about the

outcome or not.”

 ?? AP PHOTO/JOHN FROSCHAUER ?? Paddy McGuire, Democrat incumbent Mason County auditor, left, shakes hands with his election opponent Republican Steve Duenkel, right, before a candidate forum, Oct. 13, in Shelton, Wash. Between is Mason County Commission­er Sharon Trask.
AP PHOTO/JOHN FROSCHAUER Paddy McGuire, Democrat incumbent Mason County auditor, left, shakes hands with his election opponent Republican Steve Duenkel, right, before a candidate forum, Oct. 13, in Shelton, Wash. Between is Mason County Commission­er Sharon Trask.
 ?? AP PHOTO/JOHN BAZEMORE ?? Supporters of President Donald Trump hold signs during a 2020 rally outside the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.
AP PHOTO/JOHN BAZEMORE Supporters of President Donald Trump hold signs during a 2020 rally outside the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.

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