Chattanooga Times Free Press

Zoomers, what’s your zodiac sign?

- Family Life publishes on Sundays in Life. Email Mark Kennedy at mkennedy@ timesfreep­

Do you have a child or a grandchild who is part of Generation Z (born 1997-2012, according to Pew Research)?

If so, you might reasonably have come to the conclusion that they speak another language — to the extent they speak at all.

Back in the day, we baby boomers used to talk about the “generation gap” between us and our parents. These days, the generation­s have more of a communicat­ions gap.

Below are some hints on how to converse with the Zoomers in your life. I’m no expert, but I do have two Zoomer sons and I’ve taught tons of Gen Z-age students as an adjunct college instructor. Along the way I’ve been taking notes.

Here’s what to do to better connect with people in their teens and 20s.


Boomers, listen up, this is magic. Not since the 1970s have so many conversati­ons between teens and 20-somethings begun with the phrase: What’s your sign?

In just the past couple of years I’ve noticed Zoomers talking about the signs of the zodiac with all the passion of Gen-Xers talking about the Myers-Briggs or Enneagram personalit­y tests. There seems to be an endless human desire to put people into cubbyholes by personalit­y types.

When I asked my college students last week if they are into astrology, their eyes got wide and their hands shot up.

“I’m a Gemini,” I said to get the discussion rolling. “It’s the sign of the twins. Sometimes I think I have two personalit­ies, half introverte­d and half extroverte­d.”

“You seem more like a Cancer,” said a young woman in the second row, who said she is also a Gemini and definitely not introverte­d.

When I probed the students about why astrology is on the rise, they said it’s a good conversati­on starter and makes for good social-media content.

So, Boomers, brush up on your star charts and read your grandkids their horoscopes.


One of my friends in the newsroom sent me an interestin­g article from The Washington Post last month that essentiall­y says Zoomers are nervous about punctuatio­n. The Post story quoted a 23-year-old profession­al in Chicago who was adjusting to seeing periods in Slack messages and emails.

From the Post article: Once she received a comment from a colleague saying “good job.” But the period made her second guess whether she was actually being praised.

“I’m like, ‘Is it a good job?’” she said. “It just makes me nervous. I even had to ask, and then I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m overthinki­ng it.’”

Further down in the piece, another Zoomer admitted to finding ellipses (three dots) unsettling.

“If anyone ever uses dot, dot, dot, I just think, ‘Oh my God, I p--- them off,’” the source told the Post.

So, when you text those grandkids, don’t over-punctuate. To this cohort, formal punctuatio­n is jarring and marks you as an oldster.


This one slays me. (Note, “slays” is a popular word with Zoomers, according to the Post.)

More and more young people are changing the language by swallowing the internal t’s in words. For exampled: Button becomes buh’un, and mountain becomes mouw’un.

I have heard a young media member refer to the Tennessee Ty’uns. Just this morning I heard a young weather person on TV say “Day’un, Tennessee.”

I’m not sure if this is an affectatio­n meant to signal that “I’m young and hip” or if it’s the beginning of some evolutiona­l shift inside the human mouth.

But if you want to connect with your kids, remind them to buh’un up their coats before they head up the mouw’un.

They will know exactly what you mean.

 ?? ?? Mark Kennedy
Mark Kennedy

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