Chattanooga Times Free Press



Amid the post-mortems of the four-day, 15-vote marathon to elect Kevin McCarthy House speaker, I remind readers of the headline of my Nov. 30 column, “Kevin McCarthy, a Republican leader for complex times.”

I thought then that captured our reality, and I think the process that followed confirmed it.

It is human nature to want things neat and clear. But life never cooperates.

Which is why freedom is so important. And why we need a speaker who can keep focus and move the ship forward despite heavy gale winds blowing in many different directions.

McCarthy emerges from the ordeal with plenty of criticism.

And the House Freedom Caucus cabal, some 20 strong, that held McCarthy along with 201 of their Republican colleagues captive also emerges with plenty of criticism.

McCarthy is accused of conceding too much because, per his critics, it’s all about personal ambition.

Regarding the obstructio­nists, they’re accused of exploiting unique circumstan­ces to gain personal power and attention.

In my column, I noted that polling shows that indeed Democrats are more unified than Republican­s.

But I don’t see Democratic woke uniformity as any strength. Democrats’ cookie-cutter mentality about human reality is why they love big government so much.

But freedom is so important because there is no cookie cutter for human reality.

In November 2016, newly elected Vice President Mike Pence attended a showing in New York of the hit play “Hamilton.”

When he entered the theater with his daughters, finding their way to their seats, they were met with boos.

At the end of the play, a spokesman for the cast directed critical remarks toward Pence.

When asked about the incident, Pence said he was not offended. He said, “I nudged my kids and reminded them, that’s what freedom sounds like.”

Having built my own organizati­on and worked with many others, my rule of thumb is that good people will accomplish things and get things done despite a poorly designed organizati­on. And bad people will cause damage even in the most perfectly designed organizati­on.

Organizati­on charts and job descriptio­ns matter.

But what matters most is individual character.

Certainly, the rules about how the House operates and the job descriptio­n of the speaker are of great importance.

But of greatest importance are courageous leaders who are committed to the principles of a free nation under God.

Leaders, for instance, who have the courage to take on our broken entitlemen­t programs that suck up to 80% of our $6 trillion federal budget. These bankrupt programs, going back to 1936, don’t need to be tweaked but reinvented.

Every young American now entering the workforce is paying Social Security payroll taxes into a bankrupt system that will not be able to pay them their benefits.

The answer is not raising taxes or the retirement age. The answer is a new system based on real ownership and investment.

But taking on Social Security and other entitlemen­ts requires real courage and commitment to principles. Do these Republican­s have the courage to lead where Americans need leadership?

Polls show the American people are not happy with how things are going. This is a good sign.

The Republican opposition­ists should be given benefit of the doubt that their obstructio­nism was rooted in genuine concern about principles and ideals.

And Kevin McCarthy should be given benefit of the doubt that he is indeed a Republican leader for complex times who knows he can’t win every battle but has wisdom to know which to fight.

 ?? ?? Star Parker
Star Parker

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