Chattanooga Times Free Press

David Crosby, rock musician and CSNY co-founder, dies at 81


David Crosby, the brash rock musician who evolved from a baby-faced harmony singer with the Byrds to a mustachioe­d hippie superstar and an ongoing troubadour in Crosby, Stills, Nash & (sometimes) Young, has died at 81.

The New York Times reported Thursday, based on a text message from Crosby’s sister in law, that the musician died Wednesday night. Several media outlets reported Crosby’s death citing anonymous sources; The Associated Press was not able to confirm Crosby’s death despite calls and messages to multiple representa­tives and Crosby’s widow.

Crosby underwent a liver transplant in 1994 after decades of drug use and survived diabetes, hepatitis C and heart surgery in his 70s.

While he only wrote a handful of widely known songs, the witty and ever opinionate­d Crosby was on the front lines of the cultural revolution of the ’60s and ’70s — whether triumphing with Stephen Stills, Graham Nash and Neil Young on stage at Woodstock, testifying on behalf of a hirsute generation in his anthem “Almost Cut My Hair” or mourning the assassinat­ion of Robert Kennedy in “Long Time Gone.”

He was a founder and focus of the Los Angeles rock music community from which such performers as the Eagles and Jackson Browne later emerged. He was a twinkly-eyed hippie patriarch, the inspiratio­n for Dennis Hopper’s long-haired stoner in “Easy Rider.” He advocated for peace, but was an unrepentan­t loudmouth who practiced personal warfare and acknowledg­ed that many of the musicians he worked with no longer spoke to him.

“Crosby was a colorful and unpredicta­ble character, wore a Mandrake the Magician cape, didn’t get along with too many people and had a beautiful voice — an architect of harmony,” Bob Dylan wrote in his 2004 memoir, “Chronicles: Volume One.”

Crosby’s drug use left him bloated, broke and alienated. He kicked the addiction in 1985 and 1986 during a year’s prison stretch in Texas on drug and weapons charges. The conviction eventually was overturned.

“I’ve always said that I picked up the guitar as a shortcut to sex and after my first joint I was sure that if everyone smoked dope there’d be an end to war,” Crosby said in his 1988 autobiogra­phy, “Long Time Gone,” co-written with Carl Gottlieb. “I was right about the sex. I was wrong when it came to drugs.”

He lived years longer than even he expected and in his 70s enjoyed a creative renaissanc­e, issuing several solo albums while collaborat­ing with others including his son James Raymond, who became a favorite songwritin­g partner.

“Most guys my age would have done a covers record or duets on old material,” he told Rolling Stone in 2013, shortly before “Croz” was released. “This won’t be a huge hit. It’ll probably sell nineteen copies. I don’t think kids are gonna dig it, but I’m not making it for them. I’m making it for me. I have this stuff that I need to get off my chest.”

In 2019, Crosby was featured in the documentar­y “David Crosby: Remember My Name,” produced by Cameron Crowe.

While his solo career thrived, his seemingly lifetime bond with Nash dissolved. Crosby was angered by Nash’s 2013 memoir “Wild Tales” (whiny and dishonest, he called it) and relations between the two spilled into an ugly public feud, with Nash and Crosby agreeing on one thing: Crosby, Stills and Nash was finished.

Crosby was born David Van Cortlandt Crosby on Aug. 14, 1941, in Los Angeles. His father was Oscarwinni­ng cinematogr­apher Floyd Crosby of “High Noon” fame. The family, including his mother, Aliph, and brother, Floyd Jr., later moved to Santa Barbara.

 ?? AP PHOTO/JOEL RYAN ?? David Crosby of the band Crosby, Stills and Nash, performs at the Glastonbur­y Festival in 2009 in England. Crosby, 81, died Thursday according to multiple news outlets.
AP PHOTO/JOEL RYAN David Crosby of the band Crosby, Stills and Nash, performs at the Glastonbur­y Festival in 2009 in England. Crosby, 81, died Thursday according to multiple news outlets.

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