Chattanooga Times Free Press

At Davos, Thunberg visit spotlights the lack of unified climate action


DAVOS, Switzerlan­d — Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg on Thursday slammed corporate bigwigs meeting in Davos, Switzerlan­d, for “fueling the destructio­n of the planet” by investing in fossil fuels and prioritizi­ng short-term profits over people affected by the climate crisis.

Thunberg was joined by prominent young activists Vanessa Nakate of Uganda, Helena Gualinga of Ecuador and Luisa Neubauer of Germany in a roundtable with Internatio­nal Energy Agency Executive Director Fatih Birol at the World Economic Forum’s annual gathering.

Nakate, who at one point choked up, said “leaders are playing games” with people’s futures.

People in parts of the world most affected by climate change are “clinging to their lives and just trying to make it for another day, to make it for another week, to make it for another hour, another minute,” she said.

Gualinga said the world is “taking a really dangerous path.”

The activists brought a “cease and desist” letter calling on the heads of fossil fuel companies to stop all new oil and natural gas projects, signed by nearly 900,000 people. Scientists say no new fossil fuel projects can be built if the world is to limit global warming to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit in line with climate goals set in Paris in 2015.

Nakate added that current levels of warming, which have reached up to 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit, means it is “already a living hell for many communitie­s across the African continent, across the Global South” who are facing extreme drought, heat and flooding.

Activists have been increasing­ly critical of the lack of action taken by government­s and large corporatio­ns in recent years.

Birol, meanwhile, said he had “legitimate optimism” that the world would move away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy. He noted that the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act‘s nearly $375 billion in climate incentives would be transforma­tive for renewables in the country.

But he added that “the problem is not being fast enough to reach our climate targets.”

Internatio­nal Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, when asked for one thing she would change to accelerate the net zero transition, said she would lock the U.S., China, India and E.U. in a room and lock the door.

“Let them out after they sign in blood a commitment to work together to save the planet,” she said to applause from the audience at a Davos discussion on green finance.

Climate and sustainabi­lity have increasing­ly been major themes of the elite conclave in Davos, though it has faced criticism for being a talking shop that results in little direct action. This year, several sessions focused on the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy alongside panels on the slowing global economy, food insecurity and tech innovation.

The event kicked off with dozens of climate activists — some with clown makeup — braved snowfall on Sunday to wave banners and chant slogans at the end of the Davos Promenade.

“The changes that we need are not very likely to come from the inside (of the Davos meeting), rather I believe they will come from the bottom up,” Thunberg said. “Without massive public pressure from the outside, at least in my experience, these people are going to go as far as they possibly can. As long as they can get away with it, they will continue to invest in fossil fuels, they will continue to throw people under bus for their own gain.”

Thunberg did not attend the latest U.N. climate conference, or COP, in Egypt last year, but Nakate, Neubauer and Gualinga took part in protests and sessions at the event.

“It should be those on the frontlines and not privileged people like me” speaking to leaders at high-level meetings, Thunberg said.

 ?? AP PHOTO/MARKUS SCHREIBER ?? Climate activist Vanessa Nakate of Uganda, left, reacts beside Greta Thunberg of Sweden at a Thursday press conference at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d.
AP PHOTO/MARKUS SCHREIBER Climate activist Vanessa Nakate of Uganda, left, reacts beside Greta Thunberg of Sweden at a Thursday press conference at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d.

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