Chattanooga Times Free Press

Try to keep partner happy


How do you feel when your partner makes a mistake that costs your side points? You should accept that he is trying his best and that no one is perfect. Do not recall Rita Rudner, who said, “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”

In today’s deal, South made a misplay that would even strain the patience of some saints. However, many would make the same mistake. (Also, it is true, in real life the cards would often forgive the error — but never in a newspaper column.)

An initial spade lead (or the diamond queen or 10!) would have defeated the four-heart contract, but West understand­ably selected the diamond deuce.

Thinking that it made no difference, and just in case West had underled the ace, declarer called for dummy’s king. East won with the ace and returned a low diamond. After winning with the 10, it was easy for West to switch to a spade. This set up four defensive tricks: one spade, two diamonds and one club.

That scenario was the only danger to the contract. However, if declarer plays the diamond eight from the dummy at trick one, he can keep West off the lead until after 10 winners have been establishe­d.

East wins with the diamond jack and cashes the ace, but what can he do now? Suppose he switches to a heart. Declarer draws trumps and leads the club king. When West wins with the ace (on this trick or the next), declarer claims the remainder.

Finally, if East shifts to a club at trick two or three, declarer must be careful to unblock his king.

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