Chattanooga Times Free Press



I have one message for those observing or involved in the standoff over raising the U.S. federal debt limit: Be afraid, be very afraid. At this point in the financial and economic cycle, the consequenc­es of failing to reach a deal would be particular­ly dire.

The risks that a political impasse will force the U.S. government to renege on its obligation­s keeps rising as time marches on with no negotiatio­n or progress. Worse, both sides’ positions appear to be hardening. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ability to pass a budget bill (by the thinnest of margins) has strengthen­ed Republican­s’ belief that they can win concession­s from the Biden administra­tion — concession­s that are actually anathema to the latter.

The Republican legislatio­n would undo several of Biden’s major policy initiative­s, including student loan forgivenes­s and funding for the Internal Revenue Service to improve tax compliance. It would add new work requiremen­ts for programs such as Medicaid and slash domestic discretion­ary government spending. In return, it would raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion or until March 31, whichever comes first — granting Republican­s the opportunit­y to demand further concession­s next spring.

Democrats don’t want to negotiate under duress. The Biden administra­tion argues, reasonably, that the U.S. needs to honor its obligation­s: If Congress doesn’t like the way its tax and spending policies increase the country’s indebtedne­ss, it should deal with this through the annual budget process. This is why the debt limit has almost always has been raised (with the notable exception of 2011) without requiring budgetary concession­s, including repeatedly during the Trump administra­tion.

In the game of chicken, the idea is to hold out as long as you can, to scare your opponent into conceding. So the standoff will almost certainly go to the very last moment, when the Treasury runs out of capacity to keep paying its debts in full.

A full-on collision is entirely possible, given how far apart the two sides remain on how to limit future budget deficits. The Democrats favor increasing taxes on the wealthy and improving compliance. The Republican­s favor sharply cutting domestic discretion­ary spending. The only area of agreement is that Social Security and Medicare are off limits.

If the debt limit ends up binding, the Biden administra­tion is highly unlikely to resort to gimmicks such as issuing a $1 trillion coin or evoking the 14th Amendment (which states: “The validity of the public debt of the United States … shall not be questioned”). Instead, the Treasury would prioritize obligation­s — putting interest and principal on government securities first to avoid a sovereign default, and delaying other types of payments (for example, to government workers and contractor­s).

Even if prioritiza­tion averted an immediate default on Treasury securities, the damage would be vast. Markets — still dealing with the consequenc­es of a rash of bank failures — would be shocked, having expected the usual last-minute deal. Stock and bond prices would decline violently. Treasuries would gyrate as investors worried about how long the payment prioritiza­tion would protect them.

The sudden stop in payments would also weigh heavily on an economy already on the verge of recession.

One can only hope that sanity will prevail. But given the vast political divide and the narrow margins in the House and Senate, it’s not obvious how this will occur.

Bill Dudley, a senior research scholar at Princeton University’s Center for Economic Policy Studies, served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2009 to 2018, and as vice chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee. He was previously chief U.S. economist at Goldman Sachs.

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Bill Dudley

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