Chattanooga Times Free Press

Putin: Western powers are waging a ‘real war’ on Russia


President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that the West has unleashed “a real war” against Russia, reprising a familiar refrain at scaleddown Victory Day celebratio­ns that may reflect the toll the Ukraine conflict is taking on his forces.

Putin’s remarks came just hours after Moscow fired its latest barrage of cruise missiles at targets in Ukraine, which Russia invaded more than 14 months ago. Ukrainian authoritie­s said air defenses destroyed 23 of 25 missiles launched.

The Russian leader has repeatedly sought to paint his invasion of Ukraine as necessary to defend against a Western threat. Kyiv and its Western allies say they pose no such threat and that Moscow’s war is meant to deter Western influence in a country Russia considers part of its sphere of influence.

“Today civilizati­on is once again at a decisive turning point,” Putin said at the annual commemorat­ions celebratin­g the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. “A real war has been unleashed against our motherland.”

Putin has often used patriotic rhetoric that harkens back to the earlier war in an effort to rally his citizens and forces — and May 9 is one of the most important dates in the Russian political calendar. But this year’s celebratio­ns were markedly smaller, at least partially because of security concerns after several drone attacks have been reported inside Russia.

Some 8,000 troops took part in the parade in Moscow’s Red Square on Tuesday — the lowest number since 2008. Even the procession in 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, featured some 13,000 soldiers, and last year, 11,000 troops took part. There was no flyover of military jets, and the event lasted less than the usual hour.

“This is weak. There are no tanks,” said Yelena Orlova, watching the vehicles rumble down Moscow’s Novy Arbat avenue after leaving Red Square. “We’re upset, but that’s all right; it will be better in the future.”

The Kremlin’s forces deployed in Ukraine are defending a front line stretching more than 600 miles, presumably thinning the ranks of troops available for such displays.

“This is supposed to be a showpiece for Russian military might. But so much of that military might has already been mauled in Ukraine that Russia has very little to show on its parade in Red Square,” said Keir Giles, a Russia expert at London’s Chatham House think tank.

 ?? GAVRIIL GRIGOROV, SPUTNIK, KREMLIN POOL PHOTO VIA AP ?? Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks Monday during the Victory Day military parade, marking the 78th anniversar­y of the end of World War II, in Red Square in Moscow.
GAVRIIL GRIGOROV, SPUTNIK, KREMLIN POOL PHOTO VIA AP Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks Monday during the Victory Day military parade, marking the 78th anniversar­y of the end of World War II, in Red Square in Moscow.

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