Chattanooga Times Free Press



Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine has passed the 14-month mark, with no resolution in sight. It also has come with a potent, unintended consequenc­e.

It has made the world forget about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Western powers have been justifiabl­y preoccupie­d with Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, where Russian and Ukrainian troops have been locked in a war of attrition reminiscen­t of World War I trench warfare. In the meantime, however, the North Korean Communist regime has been hard at work stepping up its nuclear arsenal — in both technologi­cal advancemen­t and inventory.

North Korea launched at least 95 ballistic and other missiles in 2022, the most Pyongyang has tested in the country’s history, according to The New York Times. This year, the pace hasn’t let up. As of April 13, North Korea had conducted at least 12 missile tests, Time magazine reported.

Kim’s nuclear arsenal includes short-range capability that can threaten the assets of the U.S. and its allies in the region. North Korea also has successful­ly tested a long-range, interconti­nental ballistic missile with solid fuel technology. Those missiles can be fired within minutes. That makes the weapon harder to detect and bring down pre-emptively.

North Korea and Kim’s regime were foremost on the minds of President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol as they met recently in Washington. That meeting yielded an agreement between the two countries in which South Korea will play an integral part in U.S. strategic planning for deployment of nuclear weapons against North Korea in any conflict with Pyongyang, while Seoul also agrees to not develop its own nuclear weapons capability.

Moving forward, the lesson that Biden and other Western leaders should glean: Do not treat North Korea as some back-burner priority.

For decades, American presidents have floundered in crafting the right foreign policy approach toward Pyongyang. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush tried bargaining with North Korea but failed to steer it away from nuclear weapons pursuit. President Barack Obama took the tack of “strategic patience,” a policy of imposing isolation and sanctions on Pyongyang until it acquiesced. That didn’t work.

Donald Trump turned American foreign policy toward North Korea into a global laughingst­ock. He swooned over Kim, becoming the first U.S. president to ever meet a North Korean head of state. Two more meetings between Trump and Kim followed, and all the while, North Korea kept testing and ramping up its nuclear and missile capabiliti­es.

Biden hasn’t had any success either. But accepting the reality that Kim has tied his regime’s survival to nuclear weapons expansion — is crucial for the Biden administra­tion. The agreements made with Yoon reflect that understand­ing.

That realizatio­n should have happened years ago. After John Bolton departed as Trump’s national security adviser, he told NPR that any policy aimed at cajoling Pyongyang into relinquish­ing its nuclear program amounted to wishful thinking. “They’re happy to sell that same bridge over and over again, but there’s no serious chance they will ever voluntaril­y give it up,” Bolton said.

Putin and Kim are very different leaders, but they have similariti­es even beyond their bellicosit­y and nuclear arsenals. They understand the value of playing for time, and they rely heavily on brinkmansh­ip to achieve their aims. Putin remains an urgent, dangerous foe for the U.S. and its allies.

But it would be a grave mistake for the West to underestim­ate the threat Kim poses.

Ukraine is — and must be — a topshelf priority for U.S. foreign policy. But so should North Korea.

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