Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Michael Weinstein is the president and co-founder of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. He wrote this for InsideSour­

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t left enough for some progressiv­es who think Bernie Sanders shouldn’t be supporting President Biden. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How small can the liberal tent get and still win?

It’s the old question in politics and public policy: Unity or purity? Are so-called “purity tests” — whether for progressiv­ism or conservati­sm — worthwhile, or are they counterpro­ductive and ultimately self-defeating?

The way I see it, as a longtime progressiv­e in the public health space, democracy is more a tender sapling in need of constant care than an immovable oak. Currently, nations worldwide — including the United States — are learning the true fragility of democracy. From the attacks on LGBTQ people to government censorship, freedom is at risk in more ways than one. Freedom-loving people have a wide variety of interests beyond the convention­al political process. Freedom haters, conversely, have the single-minded purpose of wiping out fundamenta­l human rights, and their unity in that pursuit gives them power.

Despite often representi­ng a minority of the population, the opponents of freedom tend to win because of their dogmatic commitment to stand as one. They are determined to unite as allies. In contrast, the lovers of freedom often dissipate their energy through infighting, which eventually breeds apathy. Purity tests create frustratio­n, rapidly sending classical liberals running for the exits.

On the progressiv­e side, too many believe that only the purest belong in their movement. The haters keep it simple: If you hate the same people we hate, you’re in.

Consider 2016, when Donald Trump united even skeptical Republican­s by railing against common “enemies” — from the mainstream media to what he perceived as the political establishm­ent. In truth, it happens on both sides, with Biden courting initially dubious Democrats during the 2020 primaries by identifyin­g the “MAGA” movement as a common enemy. The Biden campaign is doing the same now, urging unity within his party.

Unity breeds more unity, while division creates more division.

For progressiv­es, why isn’t it enough to coalesce around the common enemy of hate? Once progressiv­es defeat hatred, we can empower each individual or group to pursue their unique agendas according to their priorities and beliefs.

The Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 — inspired by George Floyd’s murder — offer a viable case study in unity, at least when they first took place. The largest sustained civil rights marches in American history welcomed all people who opposed police brutality. But once the protests subsided, the initial unity eventually fractured over purity, creating — in part — a cautionary tale.

LGBTQ Pride presents another case study. Pride events are unifying because every stripe of the rainbow has a place in the line of march. Means of expression vary wildly, but most marchers celebrate diversity and inclusion that uplift us all. There are strong shows of communal unity until one stripe attacks the other instead of strengthen­ing the alliance.

Because loud dividers drown out unifiers, unifiers must take a stand. If they don’t, they surrender the movement for freedom and democracy — first to the dividers and then, ultimately, to the haters.

These are sobering times in America. Our impulse to debate every issue until exhaustion is a distractio­n. The natural skepticism of any leader is selfdefeat­ing. We desperatel­y need trusted leaders to go head-to-head successful­ly with the haters. And once we identify them, leaders need to be trusted to lead.

You are either pro-freedom or not. You are either pro-democracy or not. Muddying the waters with unnecessar­y purity tests only ends up eroding both.

 ?? ?? Michael Weinstein
Michael Weinstein

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