Chattanooga Times Free Press

New speaker maintains favor with conservati­ves

Can he unite the GOP where others failed?


WASHINGTON — New House Speaker Mike Johnson inherits many of the same problems that bedeviled Republican leaders with far more experience. At least for now, however, he holds favor with the ultra-conservati­ve wing of his party that toppled previous House speakers. But can he unite House Republican­s where others failed?

The Louisiana Republican emerged last week from the lower ranks of the House GOP leadership to ascend to speaker after lawmakers, driven by a faction of hard-liners, ousted Rep. Kevin McCarthy, of California, from the job and rejected two more top-ranked Republican­s in leadership as well as conservati­ve favorite Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio.

To his supporters, Johnson represente­d a turn to “decentrali­zing the power” from the speaker’s office, with a goal of cutting government spending and engaging on socially conservati­ve priorities.

“The greatest threat to our national security is our nation’s debt,” Johnson said in a speech after taking the gavel.


While not a member of the hard-charging House Freedom Caucus, Johnson is seen by Republican­s as a dyed-in-the-wool conservati­ve unlike previous speakers such as McCarthy or former Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio.

An evangelica­l Christian who often cites the Bible, Johnson worked as an attorney for antiaborti­on and Christian groups before running for office. During his four terms in the House, he has led an ardently conservati­ve caucus called the Republican Study Committee. He also spearheade­d a legal effort, championed by then-President Donald Trump, that sought to overturn 2020 election results in key states the Republican incumbent lost to Presient Joe Biden.

Johnson’s role in the Trump-backed lawsuit quickly became a rallying point for Republican­s, who booed a reporter’s question about that election on the night the congressma­n became nominee for speaker. On the House floor, many cheered when Democrats said Johnson was an architect of objections to the 2020 results.

Trump, who is running for a second White House term, backed Johnson and said he will be “a fantastic speaker.” Trump’s allies saw Johnson’s rise as a chance to give renewed rigor to their efforts to impeach Biden.

“I think Mike Johnson will approach this like a lawyer and like a tactician, not like a California lottery winner,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz, taking a swipe at how McCarthy once won $5,000 from a lotto ticket. Gaetz, R-Fla., was the leader of the band of Republican­s who ousted McCarthy.

But Johnson faces the same concerns that vexed McCarthy: How to patch together a narrow Republican majority wracked by feuding, how to keep the government funded and open for business, and whether congress will provide more wartime aid to Ukraine.


McCarthy had years of experience in leadership to help deal with such challenges. In the end, though, he could not unite Republican­s. He failed to corral Republican­s for vital legislatio­n, and his decision to rely on Democrats to help pass a short-term measure that prevented a federal shutdown gave hard-line conservati­ves a justificat­ion for removing McCarthy as speaker.

Gaetz said Johnson has “a lot more credibilit­y” with conservati­ves than McCarthy did, even if the new speaker pushes another stopgap government funding plan to give Republican­s more time to pass individual spending bills. There is a Nov. 17 deadline to approve legislatio­n that would keep government agencies operating.

Resolving the spending fight with a longerterm bill will require Johnson to negotiate with the Democratic­run Senate and White House, and many key figures will be working with him for the first time.

Even Republican­s in the Senate said they had to look up the basics of Johnson’s profile when they heard he had been elected speaker.

Johnson has no prior working relationsh­ip with Biden. In a Fox News interview last week, Johnson said he had only met the president one time before Thursday, when he was invited to the White House to discuss Biden’s aid request for Israel and Ukraine, U.S.-Mexico border money, and humanitari­an assistance for Palestinia­ns.

In the interview, the new speaker promised an adversaria­l relationsh­ip with the president, saying he and Biden agree “on almost no policy.” Johnson spoke favorably of potentiall­y impeaching Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

But Johnson’s most immediate tasks — the aid request and the funding negotiatio­ns — will require bipartisan­ship.

The House Republican Conference is deeply divided on those issues. Some members are already looking to leverage the prospect of a government shutdown to force the Senate to take up their proposals on immigratio­n restrictio­ns and border security.

Rep. Chip Roy, a Texas Republican who is a vocal member of the House Freedom Caucus, said he was willing to consider a stopgap funding bill but only if it was “tactical versus a punt.”


Yet House Republican­s last month failed to pass a funding proposal Roy helped design that would have cut the budgets of some agencies by up to 30% while enacting a slew of conservati­ve border priorities. The intractabi­lity of many House Republican­s forced McCarthy to turn to Democrats for help in keeping the government running.

Rep. Veronica Escobar, a Texas Democrat, said the stances of some conservati­ves mean that any speaker “will end up in exactly the same place former Speaker McCarthy did: Needing Democratic votes.”

The dynamics remain the same for Johnson, but may be even more daunting after lawmakers spent the last three weeks arguing over who should be McCarthy’s successor.

Personal tensions are making their way onto the floor of the House, which had not considered legislatio­n for three weeks. Several bills to censure House members could soon see a vote, and New York Republican­s have moved to force a vote on expelling their GOP colleague, Rep. George Santos, as he faces criminal prosecutio­n.

Johnson suggested the effort to expel Santos for allegedly defrauding his political donors and constituen­ts should be suppressed, but that is unlikely to satisfy moderate Republican­s who are growing weary of the dysfunctio­n in the party.

Some lawmakers remain upset after they received threats for refusing to support Jordan, who was conservati­ves’ first choice for speaker. They say Jordan’s House allies bear some responsibi­lity for the vitriol.

“Some people are in denial that they’re somewhat responsibl­e for this,” said Rep. Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican who received threats for refusing to vote for Jordan.

Rep. Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican who is focused on cutting government spending, urged the new speaker to quickly pass his priorities.

“Mike Johnson has a grace period here where it’ll be at least 30 days before we get stabby again,” he said.

 ?? AP PHOTO/JOSE LUIS MAGANA ?? Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., speaks Tuesday after he was chosen as the Republican­s’ latest nominee for House speaker at a GOP caucus meeting at the Capitol in Washington.
AP PHOTO/JOSE LUIS MAGANA Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., speaks Tuesday after he was chosen as the Republican­s’ latest nominee for House speaker at a GOP caucus meeting at the Capitol in Washington.

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