Chattanooga Times Free Press

Navigating can increase brain health


DEAR DOCTORS: My wife and I use maps to plan routes. Our kids use GPS. I just read that GPS can erode your spatial skills. Is that true?


There’s no denying the ease of plugging an address into a GPS device and getting turn-by-turn guidance to your location. This typically includes an arrival time that gets updated based on your progress; alerts about accidents, road conditions and other delays; and offers of alternativ­e routes as needed. But recent studies suggest that ceding the planning and execution of daily travel to global positionin­g systems can exact a cognitive price. That is, when GPS use becomes habitual, it’s not just the skills associated with reading a map that get rusty. A growing body of research suggests that a specific area of the brain associated with navigation and spatial location may suffer as well.

Worries that new informatio­n-related technologi­es can harm the brain date back centuries. In the 1700s, novels soared in popularity. This raised alarms over their potential to damage mental acuity and mental health. The advent of broadcast radio, soon followed by television, led to similar worries.

A study from Johns Hopkins University suggests worries about too much TV may have merit. Researcher­s tracked the viewing habits of 599 volunteers. After 11 years, those who had logged the most hours had the greatest reduction in volume of the entorhinal cortex. That’s an area of the brain associated with memory, navigation and perception of time.

And that brings us back to reliance on GPS. At issue is the hippocampu­s, an ancient structure located deep in the brain, behind the ear and near the base of the skull. It oversees spatial orientatio­n and memory, is key to planning and decision-making and appears to play a role in our ability to imagine the future. A reduction in the size of the hippocampu­s is seen in Alzheimer’s disease and other types of cognitive impairment. Aging, depression and chronic stress also can cause the hippocampu­s to atrophy. Recent research suggests that we stop exercising that important part of the brain when we rely on GPS.

A study in the journal Nature Communicat­ions found that people responding to spoken directions while driving had measurably less activity in the hippocampu­s than did those doing their own navigation. Researcher­s in Canada saw marked declines in spatial memory in chronic GPS users. Coming at the question from a different direction, neuroscien­tists in England found that the hippocampi of newly hired London cab drivers grew significan­tly larger year by year, as their knowledge of the city’s streets increased.

The takeaway is that engaging in navigation can improve the health of your brain. In fact, neurologis­ts recommend upping the ante by adding physical activity into the mix. Activities such as orienteeri­ng, a sport in which participan­ts use a map and a compass to navigate unknown terrain, can help maintain, and even boost, brain plasticity.

 ?? ?? Dr. Elizabeth Ko
Eve Glazier
Dr. Elizabeth Ko Dr. Eve Glazier

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