Chattanooga Times Free Press

Bill aims to protect religious liberty

Opponents call it a license to discrimina­te


ATLANTA — Georgia lawmakers are revisiting a nearly decade-old fight over whether the state needs to protect religious rights from being trampled by state and local government­s in a measure opponents say would provide a legal shield for people and groups to discrimina­te against LGBTQ+ people in the name of religion.

That religious protection bill resurfaced Thursday eight years after lawmakers passed a different version of the measure. Then-Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican, vetoed it in 2016 under pressure from Georgia’s business community, who said they feared it would hurt their ability to attract employees and tourists.

Also Thursday, a House subcommitt­ee advanced a measure that would ban transgende­r students in public schools from using the bathroom that meets their current gender identity. Supporters say the measure is needed to protect students who aren’t transgende­r, while opponents in sometimes tearful testimony told lawmakers the measure would stigmatize and endanger transgende­r students who are already subject to bullying.

Both measures are being pushed in an election year when all of Georgia’s lawmakers are up for reelection and Republican leaders have become more conservati­ve.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-3 to pass Senate Bill 180, sending it on to the full Senat for more debate. It mirrors a 1993 federal law, the Religious Freedom Restoratio­n Act. The bill’s sponsor, Republican Sen. Ed Setzler of Acworth, has pushed for the measure for years, because the federal law doesn’t apply to state and local government­s, which might deny things like permission to distribute religious literature or a zoning permit for a church without giving enough deference to religious freedom.

“Every Georgian should be free to worship and exercise their faith without unfair federal, state or local government intrusion,” Setzler said.

But opponents warn that private businesses will use the law to do things like deny birth control coverage to their employees, and the legislatio­n could blow holes in local laws that ban discrimina­tion. Georgia has no statewide law banning discrimina­tion.

“It seems like some people have a hate agenda in their religious practices, to deny jobs, housing and dignity to gays and lesbians,” said Michael Rohtbaum, senior rabbi at Congregati­on Bet Haverim, an Atlanta synagogue.

Setzler, though says claims that the bill would enable discrimina­tion are spurious.

“What they’re saying is just simply not so,” he said. “The parade of horribles you heard is just simply not so when you look at the states that this applies to.”

The current bill has 23 other Republican senators as cosigners, but the issue has languished, seen as politicall­y radioactiv­e after Deal’s veto.

The debate over the bill to regulate student bathroom use has the same outlines, with Republican­s saying Georgians need protection and opponents saying the law will be weaponized against transgende­r students.

“The issue is making sure biological males use the male facilities and biological females use the female facilities,” said Rep. Josh Bonner, a Fayettevil­le Republican who is sponsoring House Bill 936.

Elizabeth Wagner of suburban Berkeley Lake told committee members she’s the mother of a transgende­r boy. She warned the bill would only amp up bullying by forcing him to use the girls’ bathroom.

“Anyone with a heart and a handful of brain cells can see this bill for what it is,” Wagner said. “It is open hunting season on trans youth in Georgia.”

The measure also covers locker rooms and overnight school trips. It requires that schools find some other bathroom for transgende­r or other students uncomforta­ble using the bathroom that matches their birth sex. It was unclear from committee debate whether any Georgia school district has a policy that allows transgende­r students to use bathrooms correspond­ing with their current gender identity.

But opponents said that alternate restrooms can often involve a trek across a large high school campus, making it hard for students to access during the school day. Ben Ackerley, who helps lead the Georgia chapter of TransParen­t, a group for parents of transgende­r youth, said it also adds to students’ isolation.

“That accommodat­ion keeps them separate from their peers, and all they want to do is be included,” Ackerley said.

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