Chattanooga Times Free Press

Vatican chatter about another anonymous Demos epistle

- Terry Mattingly is senior fellow on communicat­ions and culture at Saint Constantin­e College in Houston. He lives in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and writes Rational Sheep, a Substack newsletter on faith and mass media.

Catholic cyberspace had a meltdown during Lent in 2022 as cardinals circulated a letter from “Demos” — Greek for “people” — an anonymous scribe claiming that “this pontificat­e is a disaster in many or most respects; a catastroph­e.”

The author turned out to be the nowlate Cardinal George Pell of Australia, who served Pope Francis as leader of the Vatican’s Secretaria­t of the Economy.

Now, there is a “Demos II” epistle from another anonymous cardinal — criticizin­g Pope Francis and describing seven tasks facing the next pontiff.

“It is clear,” noted Demos II, on the Italian website Daily Compass, “that the strength of Pope Francis’ pontificat­e is the added emphasis he has given to compassion toward the weak, outreach to the poor and marginaliz­ed, concern for the dignity of creation and the environmen­tal issues that flow from it and efforts to accompany the suffering and alienated in their burdens.

“Its shortcomin­gs are equally obvious: an autocratic, at times seemingly vindictive, style of governance; a carelessne­ss in matters of law; an intoleranc­e for even respectful disagreeme­nt; and — most seriously — a pattern of ambiguity in matters of faith and morals causing confusion among the faithful. … The result today is a Church more fractured than at any time in her recent history.”

An American Jesuit, one who has influenced journalist­s for decades, responded in an equally blunt manner.

“In truth, Demos II is a fraud who mourns a church of the past and his own loss of power in it,” noted Father Thomas J. Reese, currently a Religion News Service columnist. “Make no mistake about it, this document is about power and influence in the church.”

Another critic of the cardinals circulatin­g Demos II’s epistle noted that it was released while Pope Francis was hospitaliz­ed with a respirator­y infection.

“If Francis were a dictator, he would call in all the cardinals and require a confession. But he won’t because he’s not,” wrote Kevin Beck, for the Where Peter Is website.

While criticizin­g the “monarchica­l tendencies” of Pope Benedict, Beck said describing the current pope as “autocratic is risible. Francis has included more people in the decisionma­king process and has assigned traditiona­lly unrepresen­ted people — especially women — to influentia­l Vatican offices.” By comparison, many progressiv­es insist that St. Pope John Paul II embraced a “Vatican I model” of authority.

“Hostility to papal power is not a matter of principle” for Demos II supporters, added Beck. “They didn’t criticize John Paul or Benedict for their rejection of collegiali­ty … presumably because they agree with them.”

The Demos II document stresses that the next pope should focus on the “recovery and reestablis­hment” of ancient doctrines now “obscured or lost” for many Catholics.

These include, the text noted, that “(a) no one is saved except through, and ONLY through, Jesus Christ, as he himself made clear; (b) God is merciful but also just, and is intimately concerned with every human life, He forgives but He also holds us accountabl­e, He is both Savior and Judge; (c) man is God’s creature, not a self-invention, a creature not merely of emotion and appetites but also of intellect, free will and an eternal destiny; (d) unchanging objective truths about the world and human nature exist and are knowable through Divine Revelation and the exercise of reason; (e) God’s Word, recorded in Scripture, is reliable and has permanent force; (f) sin is real and its effects are lethal; and (g) his Church has both the authority and the duty to ‘make disciples of all nations.’”

While insisting Demos II is “neither incendiary nor hyperbolic,” theologian Larry Chapp, writing at the What We Need Now Substack, noted that these debates are framed by a “cottage industry” of angry activists who have “flooded social media with all manner of accusation­s against Pope Francis. Much of the criticism is valid, but much is not, and many of the provocateu­rs are little more than click-bait grifters.”

But the rhetoric used by the pope’s defenders, he added, is “the same no matter from where the criticisms of this pope arise. … To criticize Pope Francis is an act of disobedien­ce, and even schism, and the arguments leveled against Francis are … summarily dismissed as nothing more than fearful, right-wing cranks venting their spleen.”

 ?? ?? Terry Mattingly
Terry Mattingly

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