Chattanooga Times Free Press

How abortion, IVF flipped Alabama House seat


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — When Marilyn Lands, a Democrat, won an election last month for a northern Alabama state House district that Republican­s had held for more than two decades, she stretched the political power of reproducti­ve rights into the edges of Appalachia.

Democrats lauded her victory as an example of how potent the issue will be in November, more than two years after the Supreme Court’s conservati­ve majority overturned Roe v. Wade. And while Republican­s argued that Lands’ suburban district had been ripe for Democratic pickup for years, it forced some to acknowledg­e they needed to rethink their approach to talking about abortion on the campaign trail.

Democrats had long eyed Alabama’s 10th District, which encompasse­s Madison County and its seat of Huntsville. Nestled in the mountains less than 100 miles from the Tennessee border, the area is home to both NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal — and with it, a growing number of young families, plus scores of engineers and federal government employees. In his 2020 presidenti­al campaign, Donald Trump won Madison County by 8 points, his second slimmest margin in the state. The county is one of Alabama’s wealthiest and best educated.


And Lands’ contest, a special election called when a Republican resigned after pleading guilty to charges of voter fraud, received a seismic jolt. Weeks before the election, the Alabama state Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos were considered children, casting immediate doubt on access to in vitro fertilizat­ion, a popular fertility treatment. Republican lawmakers in the state were forced to scramble in the face of public backlash and anger from families pursuing the treatment. And Lands adjusted, appealing to her party’s base voters as well as conservati­ves concerned about increasing restrictio­ns on women’s health care.

“I’ve heard it said that there are these arcs in history and these places are where the pendulum swings,” Lands said in an interview at her home in Huntsville, which for the past three months served as the headquarte­rs of her campaign’s canvassing operation. “And so I hope that’s where we’re at — that it’s beginning to tilt. Not necessaril­y so much in the other direction, but just back toward balance.”


Lands’ victory doesn’t disrupt the Republican supermajor­ity in Alabama’s House, and only time will tell if it is a bellwether for Democrats’ fortunes in similar districts across the state or the South. Turnout was limited, with 6,000 voters casting ballots in the special election.

But by successful­ly tying abortion rights to IVF, she provided an early blueprint for members of her party who are eager to make reproducti­ve rights central to their campaigns.

“It’s not a Black issue, it’s not a white issue. It’s an issue of dignity,” said the Rev. Randy Kelley, the Alabama Democratic state party chair.

It’s possible running on abortion rights alone might not have been enough to overcome the district’s conservati­ve tilt. Lands ran and lost by 7 points in 2022 despite being vocal about her support for abortion rights in the immediate aftermath of Roe v. Wade’s reversal, which came months into her first campaign. She had not yet publicly shared the story of her own abortion — something she said she and her team didn’t see as necessary when the Supreme Court’s ruling was so fresh on voters’ minds. But Alabama Republican­s, who make up more than half the electorate, have largely supported limits on abortion, and in 2018 backed an initiative that helped clear the way for a near-total ban on the procedure.

Lands, 65, decided to run for the seat again when its Republican state representa­tive resigned. In early February, she publicly shared the story of her choice to terminate a nonviable pregnancy. Days later, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling came down.


Prominent Republican­s, including Trump, rushed to blunt the potential political fallout from the IVF ruling. Alabama Republican­s quickly passed a shield law so that families could restart the expensive treatments, which can take an emotional and physical toll. But Democrats seized on the ruling as an example of what they had been warning voters of since the fall of Roe: The same Republican­s who championed “family values” would limit women’s ability to start their own.

Lands, who called Alabama “ground zero” for the fight over abortion rights, said that as she knocked on doors she heard from voters in her district, her lifelong home, about how the ruling would hurt them. Some said they worried for their children and grandchild­ren, some shared their own abortion stories and some indicated they would be more hesitant to take jobs in the state, she said.

“I’ve heard from other families who say, ‘We’re going to move,’ you know, ‘we’re going leave,’” she said.

Lands’ campaign ads featured local OB-GYNs, her own abortion story from decades ago and the story of a young woman who said she was forced to drive hours for medical care after it became clear she could not carry her pregnancy to term last year because her baby would not survive. “We need to repeal Alabama’s abortion ban and protect women’s freedoms,” Lands said in one of her ads, bemoaning a loss of rights that younger women are experienci­ng. “And if you elect me, that’s exactly what I plan to do.”


Lands’ campaign staff included an army of volunteers with both homegrown organizers and turnout experts from other parts of the state and neighborin­g Mississipp­i. All were spurred on by her story and had help from national groups such as Planned Parenthood, whose southeast affiliate made Lands their first endorsemen­t of the 2024 cycle. As a result, she received donations from nearly 1,200 individual donors, according to her campaign.

For other figures in the state, it was not just Lands’ message on abortion that compelled voters to support her — her connection­s to Black Democrats in her district made a big difference.

“When you say ‘Democrat,’ it’s synonymous with Black folk,” said Kelley, who helped recruit Lands to run for the seat and enlisted his church staff members to organize in the heavily Black corners of the district. Women’s health care was a major galvanizin­g force in Lands’ election, he said — one he expected to be tough. But, he added, “I believe the big variable that pushed her over was the Black vote.”

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