Chattanooga Times Free Press

Fleischman­n feeding an ‘edifice complex’


Chuck Fleischman­n, our “show up for a photo-op” legislator, has co-sponsored a bill to change the name of Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C., to Trump Airport.

Once again, he seeks to boost Trump’s vanity and feed his selfnamed edifice complex.

But, John Foster Dulles was a secretary of state of importance in the 20th century. I personally do not approve of his support of interventi­ons in other countries, and a CIA-supported coup in Guatemala, but he was also instrument­al in drafting the charter of the United Nations. He promoted American strength and internatio­nal influence at the height of the Cold War.

Fleischman­n would remove the name of a politician of importance and instead add the gaudy, gilded Trump logo, the emblem of an indicted charlatan who has never served anything but himself.

I have wondered why Fleischman­n is so spinelessl­y, mindlessly enamored of Trump. I have come to the conclusion that Fleischman­n likes Trump because Trump is the one man in the world who can make Chuck Fleischman­n look smart.

Katheryn A. Thompson

making Chattanoog­a and Accra official Sister Cities. Accra, Ghana’s capital, will be our first African Sister City, and members of the Sister City Associatio­n of Chattanoog­a (SCA) are excited to make this our eighth partnershi­p.

Most of the credit for this is due to the efforts of Kanika Wellington-Jones and Bea Kennebrew, who have made multiple trips to Accra and developed relationsh­ips with a number of people there. They have initiated an art exchange, promoted several business projects, hosted a Ghanaian cooking class for Chattanoog­ans, facilitate­d crosscultu­ral zoom meetings, and connected with several Accra artisans to sell their wares here.

We are most grateful to Kanika and Bea for bringing Accra to our attention and for their tenacity in promoting the Sister City possibilit­y to our city government. Moreover, we appreciate Mayor Kelly’s and his staff’s support in this endeavor.

Other projects are in the works, and the hope is to promote friendship­s and create greater understand­ing between residents of our two municipali­ties.

Karen Claypool

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