Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)



NEW ORLEANS — Attorneys hoping to save an Obama-era program that prevents the deportatio­n of thousands of people brought into the U.S. as children told a federal appeals court last week that ending the program would cruelly disrupt the lives of thousands who have grown up to become tax-paying, productive drivers of the U.S. economy.

An attorney for the state of Texas, leading an effort to end the Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals program, argued that DACA recipients have cost the state hundreds of millions in health care and other costs.

The dueling views Wednesday at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans were exchanged as more than 100 DACA supporters held signs, beat drums and chanted outside of the courthouse. They called for preservati­on of the program that protects more than 600,000 people from deportatio­n, and a path to citizenshi­p for immigrants.

“I am undocument­ed, and I will speak out today,” said Woojung “Diana” Park, 22, of New York. She said she was brought to the U.S. as a 1-year-old from South Korea. DACA, she said, “is the bare minimum that the U.S. government has offered immigrant communitie­s after decades of fighting for basic human rights.”

A federal judge in Texas last year declared DACA illegal — although he agreed to leave the program intact for those already benefiting from it while his order is appealed.

The U.S. Justice Department defended the program, allied with the state of New Jersey, advocacy organizati­ons such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educationa­l Fund and a coalition of dozens of powerful corporatio­ns — including Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft — which argue that DACA recipients are “employees, consumers and job creators.”

Texas, joined by eight other Republican­leaning states, argues that DACA was enacted without going through proper legal and administra­tive procedures, including public notice and comment periods. Additional­ly, the states argue that they are harmed financiall­y by allowing immigrants to remain in the country illegally.

DACA proponents argued that the program falls within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s power to prioritize enforcemen­t. “DHS has limited resources,” argued Brian Boynton of the Justice Department. “It’s unable to remove 11 million people in the country. It has to decide who it’s going to target first.”

In court and in briefs, DACA backers have argued that Texas diminished its claims of financial injury by waiting six years to challenge the program. They also said the state ignores evidence that DACA recipients decrease Texas’ costs because many of them hold jobs with health insurance benefits, own homes and pay property taxes that support schools.

In addition, they claimed that Texas hasn’t shown DACA recipients would leave the state if the program were struck down. That point was met with skepticism by Judge James Ho, who noted that in a survey included with New Jersey’s legal arguments, more than 20% of DACA recipients said they were likely to leave if the program were abolished.

Boynton argued that the respondent­s’ answers were merely speculativ­e and supporters of the program, in briefs, have questioned the methodolog­y of the survey. But Ho again questioned whether the responses should be dismissed.

“This is a question about, literally, your entire life,” Ho told Boynton. “This is a pretty profound question to get wrong.”

Judd Stone, arguing for the state of Texas, said the state has shown that it expends millions of dollars on DACA recipients and that the end of the program would lead to some of those who receive that money leaving the state. “There is no evidence showing that either of those numbers are zero,” Stone said.

In court briefs and in news conference­s in New Orleans and South Carolina on Wednesday, DACA supporters pressed the argument that ending DACA would have devastatin­g consequenc­es for immigrants who have only known the United States as their home.

“I’m a father of a 10-year-old, so getting DACA rescinded would put me in limbo of not knowing if I’m going to take my son to his next football game,” Yahel Flores, a DACA recipient and the Carolinas state director of the American Business Immigratio­n Coalition, told reporters on a Zoom call.

 ?? KEVIN MCGILL/AP ?? Woojung “Diana” Park, 22, speaks to demonstrat­ors outside the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals building in New Orleans on Wednesday.
KEVIN MCGILL/AP Woojung “Diana” Park, 22, speaks to demonstrat­ors outside the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals building in New Orleans on Wednesday.

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