Chicago Sun-Times



“They say every day is a gift,” Unlucky Louie told me. “If that’s true, tell me where I can return Mondays.”

Louie’s week always seems to get off to a rough start. When he was declarer at six spades in a penny game, West led the queen of clubs. Louie took the A- K, drew trumps and led the five of hearts to his queen. West figured that Louie held every missing high- card point for his bidding, so he followed smoothly with the four.

Louie next went back to dummy’s king of diamonds and led a heart to his jack. This time West took the king and returned the ten, making his seven high. Louie had to try a diamond finesse with the jack for his 12th trick, and West had the queen. Down one.

“A foul lie of the cards plus inspired defense,” Louie griped.

Louie could blame the result on himself. After his queen of hearts won, all he had to do was lead a diamond to the king and let the nine of hearts ride. West could take the ten, but any return would concede the slam. DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠A J 7 5 ♥ A Q J 2 ♦A J 2 ♣ A 2. You open 2NT, and your partner responds three clubs, Stayman. You bid three spades, and he tries 3NT. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s three clubs convention­ally sought a 4- 4 major- suit fit. Since he didn’t raise your spades, he has hearts. Bid four hearts. Don’t get carried away and do more. Your opening bid promised 21 or 22 points, and partner could have tried for slam if he knew one was possible. South dealer N- S vulnerable

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