Chicago Sun-Times

No ‘ moderates’ in Syria

- Walt Zlotow, Glen Ellyn

On Sept. 17, U. S. airstrikes killed 62 Syrian soldiers and wounded more than 100. The Pentagon trotted out their best Steve Martin mask and bellowed “Excuuuuse me.” This essentiall­y derailed cooperatio­n between the United States and Russia to end the violence in Syria. Russia is aiding its neighbor and ally Syria to defeat the terrorist rebels seeking overthrow of President Assad. Russia also has a vested interest in stopping Islamic terrorists on its doorstep. The United States is playing a double game here: stopping the advance of ISIS while supporting regime change in Syria with what it fantasizes are “moderate” rebels. Memo to Uncle Sam: moderates in Syria don’t exist. Much of our support goes to the very folks we are trying to eradicate. In Syria, we’re more truly interested in Syrian regime change and poking the Russian Bear than stopping ISIS.

SEND LETTERS TO: letters@ suntimes. com. Please include your neighborho­od or hometown and a phone number for verificati­on purposes.

 ??  ?? A Syrian girl sitting on her belongings prepares with other families and gunmen to leave the government­besieged Damascus suburb of Moadamiyeh, Syria, Wednesday.
| AP
A Syrian girl sitting on her belongings prepares with other families and gunmen to leave the government­besieged Damascus suburb of Moadamiyeh, Syria, Wednesday. | AP

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