Chicago Sun-Times

Putin praise could mean disaster for NATO, U. S.

Economical­ly speaking, the EU is more than 30 times more valuable to the United States than Russia.

- GENE LYONS Email: eugenelyon­

Here’s a thought exercise: What do you suppose would happen if Russian strongman Vladimir Putin decided to clarify remarks he reportedly made about Donald Trump during the election campaign?

“I never said Trump was ‘ brilliant,”’ he might say. “That was a poor translatio­n. I said he was ‘ colorful,’ which nobody denies. Unfortunat­ely, he is also an ignorant buffoon with no greater understand­ing of internatio­nal relations than the average Moscow prostitute, of which he has known many.”

Would Trump confine himself to mocking Putin’s short stature and bare- chested TV appearance­s on his Twitter account? Or would the United States and Russia go to war footing overnight?

Fortunatel­y, we can all relax. Everybody understand­s that Trump lives so deep in Putin’s pocket that no such exchange seems possible. When it comes to foreign affairs, the only constant in our new president’s pronouncem­ents is that he has never yet said anything— not one single thing— that the Russian dictator would find objectiona­ble.

It’s really remarkable. On everything from the invasion of Crimea to the obsolescen­ce of NATO and the breakup of the European Union, Trump’s remarks may as well have been crafted in the Kremlin. Trump’s secretary of state designee had a medal pinned on his chest by Putin himself; his national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn had a paid gig on the Russia Today TV network, and has dined publicly with the Russian leader.

Weakening NATO, the military alliance that has brought stability and prosperity to the west since 1945, is the No. 1 priority of Putin’s foreign policy, exposing Eastern Europe to the tender mercies of the Russian army. One needn’t yearn for a new Cold War to realize what a terrible thing that would be.

As for the European Union, here are some relevant numbers: In 2016, total U. S. trade with the EU was roughly $ 650 billion. It’s our most important economic partnershi­p by far. Total trade with Russia totaled $ 20 billion.

Economical­ly speaking, the EU is more than 30 times more valuable to the United States than Russia. Any questions? Russia occupies a vast land mass and has a formidable military, but its economy is smaller than Italy’s.

The Russians are a great, longsuffer­ing people; we couldn’t have won World War II without them. But does anybody want to buy Russian cars, computers or TVs? No, they do not.

The last thing the world needs is Russia looming over once captive nations such as Poland and Lithuania like a bear at a picnic table. A Democrat who proposed such things would be accused of treason.

So anyway, here’s what it’s come to: In the course of defending Trump from scurrilous accusation­s in Buzzfeed, Putin also praised the beauty and skill of Moscow prostitute­s, who he proclaimed “the best in the world.”

Back in 2013 when the presidente­lect visited Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, Putin alibied, “He wasn’t a politician, we didn’t even know about his political ambitions. Do they think that our special services are hunting for every U. S. billionair­e?”

Actually, Vladimir, yes they do. Even Trump knows that. During his recent press conference, he said he warned friends to behave themselves, “Because you don’t want to see yourself on television. Cameras all over the place.”

In Moscow, they even have a word for it “kompromat” -- a combinatio­n of the Russian words for “compromisi­ng” and “informatio­n.” Luring public figures into proverbial “honey traps” or manufactur­ing scandal against troublesom­e individual­s is a common practice of authoritar­ian regimes everywhere — but nowhere more so than in Russia.

It’s well known that Putin got his big break in politics when, as a young intelligen­ce officer, he affirmed that a murky videotape of a man cavorting with hookers was indeed a foe of Boris Yeltsin’s. Today, sleazy videos of public figures are a regular feature on Russian TV. The sheer coarseness of political dialogue can be hard to believe.

I got a small taste of it last summer after unmasking a pair of Russian trolls that I called “Boris” and “Natasha” after the cartoon characters: all scatology, sexual insults and veiled threats clearly based upon Internet misinforma­tion. Some foreign journalist­s have had kiddie porn installed on their computers.

That said, apart from one lurid detail I won’t repeat, none of the naughty bits in the dodgy Trump dossier struck me as shocking. Trump has long boasted to radio shock jock Howard Stern and others about barging into beauty contestant­s’ dressing rooms, copping feels, etc. He’s also on record about the supposedly loose morals of Russian women.

That said, whatever Putin has on Trump, I doubt it’s sexual— everybody’s favorite distractio­n. The real purpose of kompromat isn’t necessaril­y blackmail, but the promotion of discord, cynicism and widespread disbelief in such “liberal” values as the distinctio­n between truth and make- believe.

And when people come to believe that everybody’s crooked and nobody can be believed, the strongman always wins.

 ?? | SERGEI ILNITSKY/ POOL PHOTO VIA AP ?? Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.
| SERGEI ILNITSKY/ POOL PHOTO VIA AP Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.
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