Chicago Sun-Times

Trump falls so far below presidenti­al standard


At no time during James Comey’s testimony did he suggest that our self- absorbed president ever inquired about the status of Russian hacking and if it was an ongoing process? Not once.

He did say, however, that President Donald Trump repeatedly asked about his own status in the investigat­ion. Isn’t that typical Trump? He comes first, and everything else is of secondary importance— even the security of a country he was elected to protect.

Though little came out of the Comey session that we didn’t already know or suspect, it did reinforce our rationale for holding this leader in such low regard.

If the former FBI director is to be believed, Mr. Trump is not only incapable of telling the truth, but he is not to be trusted with a handshake or even an invitation to dinner.

The man is not above contempt, and as president of the United States, he is way below the standard that is usually set for the office. Bob Ory, Elgin

Media relies too heavily on Russia probe

James Comey disclosed that President Donald Trump was not a target of the Russia probe. Far from obstructin­g Comey’s investigat­ion, Trump encouraged him to ferret out any campaign staff that interacted inappropri­ately with Russians.

It was Loretta Lynch who gave Comey an inappropri­ate order — to follow Democrat talking points in referring to the criminal investigat­ion of Hillary Clinton, not as such, but nebulously, as a “matter.” One wonders what she spoke about with a potential target of the investigat­ion while meeting secretly on the tarmac.

Not since the Army- McCarthy hearings has a single media appearance done so much to dispel a mass hysteria about Russians hiding under our beds. What will they talk about now? Will they ignore reality and continue? Richard A. Crane, Lincoln Park

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