Chicago Sun-Times

We haven’t seen the last of ‘ Wonder Woman’

- Andrea GMandell and Brian Truitt

WHEN DOWE GET ‘ WONDERWOMA­N 2’? Justice League is exciting and all, but after a record- breaking debut, what fans are really clamoring for is another stand- aloneWonde­rWoman film. But there’s some housekeepi­ng to take care of first. According to a person close to the situation, but not authorized to speak publicly about it, Warner Bros. will soon begin negotiatio­ns with director Patty Jenkins, who was signed only for one film.

Though the studio hasn’t formally announced a sequel, there seem to be plans afoot: In April, Jenkins told Entertainm­ent Weekly that the next chapter “will take place in the U.S ., which I think is right. She’s Wonder Woman. She’s got to come to America. It’s time.”

But in what era? Gadot joked with USA TODAY she’d like to see Diana Prince kicking it ’ 90- style. “I love the ’ 90s just because of themusic. All of the sudden, you see her go on roller blades— it could be funny!”

After the smashing success of Wonder Woman ($ 206 million and counting), where does the DC Extended Universe go from here? USA TODAY scopes out the future of Diana Prince and friends. WONDERWOMA­N WILL BE BACK SOONER THAN YOU THINK Wonder Woman’s many fans won’t have to wait long before the Amazon princess is back on the big screen. In Justice

League ( in theaters Nov. 17), Diana ( Gal Gadot) pairs up again with Batman ( Ben Affleck) and welcomes Aquaman ( Jason Momoa), The Flash ( Ezra Miller) and Cyborg ( Ray Fisher) to the superhero fold. “Literally, the day ( after) I wrapped

WonderWoma­n, I started to shoot Justice League,” Gadot told USA TODAY. “It feels really good to know your character to a degree where you are very opinionate­d about what she should do and what she shouldn’t do.”

The prequel nature ofWonderWo­man will dovetail with “the why of Justice League and who she is finally realized. We know now where she comes from,” director Zack Snyder told USA TODAY.

Following the death of his 20- year- old daughter, Snyder has handed over the post- production reins to Joss Whedon, who is filming new scenes to finish the project.


Fans would probably salivate over a meeting between Wonder Woman and Margot Robbie’s Suicide Squad bad girl Harley Quinn. If so, she’d have to visit Batman’s hometown in Gotham City Sirens, an all- female villain- centric film in developmen­t that will re- team Robbie with Squad director David Ayer. Another dose of Suicide also is in the works, with Adam Cozad ( The Legend of Tarzan) tapped to write the sequel.


Whedon was hired to write and direct Batgirl, and while there’s no Barbara Gordon cast yet, he’s open to a fresh face: “Somebody who is willing to go the distance. It is going to be hard. I want somebody who’s going to get in the trenches with me,” he told USA TODAY.


Momoa’s Aquaman solo film ( out Dec. 21, 2018) is filming in Australia with director JamesWan ( Furious 7) and a cast that includes Nicole Kidman, Patrick Wilson and AmberHeard, who has been sharing photos of Aquaman’s love matchMera. Affleck originally signed to direct and star in the planned The Batman project, but he has handed the director reins to Matt Reeves ( War for the Planet of the Apes). Miller and Fisher also have solo films in developmen­t, Dwayne Johnson is on tap to play the supervilla­in Black Adam in a future Shazam movie, and down the line, there’s Green Lantern Corps, featuring DC’s resident space cops, and a Justice League Dark movie, which would deal with the more magical corners ofWonderWo­man’s world.

 ?? WARNER BROS. ?? WonderWoma­n ( Gal Gadot) is back with the boys The Flash ( Ezra Miller) and Batman ( Ben Affleck) in Justice League Nov. 17.
WARNER BROS. WonderWoma­n ( Gal Gadot) is back with the boys The Flash ( Ezra Miller) and Batman ( Ben Affleck) in Justice League Nov. 17.
 ?? CLAY ENOS ?? Patty Jenkins, left, was signed to direct Gadot in only oneWonder Woman film.
CLAY ENOS Patty Jenkins, left, was signed to direct Gadot in only oneWonder Woman film.
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