Chicago Sun-Times


MOONALERT: We have the “all clear” today to shop and do business. The moon is in Aquarius. IF JUNE 14 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: President Donald Trump ( 1946) shares your birthday today. You love to travel. You want to be everywhere at once because you love stim


ARIES ( March 21- April 19):

The pace of your days has accelerate­d with short trips and talking to everyone. Today in particular, you might be involved with a female acquaintan­ce. Perhaps a friend or a member of a group. This is a good day to ponder your future goals.

TAURUS ( April 20- May 20):

Personal details about your private life might be public today. Ack! Don’t worry because with fair Venus in your sign, you are protected. ( In fact, you look mahvelous, darlink.) Why not use this in your favor? Approach parents, bosses and VIPs and ask for what you want.

GEMINI ( May 21- June 20):

Do something different today because you are restless for adventure. By all means, travel if you can. But at least, be a tourist in your own city or go someplace you’ve never been before. A new store. An ethnic restaurant. A different park. Live it up!

CANCER ( June 21- July 22):

Although you are strong and forceful now with fiery Mars in your sign, you prefer to work alone or behind the scenes. Today you might tackle issues related to shared property, inheritanc­es, insurance or dealing with the values of others. Just do it.

LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22):

Today the Moon is in a sign that is 180 degrees opposite from your sign. This means you have to compromise and go more than halfway when dealing with others. It’s not a big deal. In two weeks, when the Moon is in your sign, they have to come to you. ( We like.)

VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22):

Today you are in a practical mood, which means you want to take care of details in order to make your life run more smoothly. This includes buying sundry items, especially related to health and hygiene. Tidy up loose papers and magazines. Clean the back seat of your car.

LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22):

Set aside time to play today and enjoy entertaini­ng diversions because this is a good day to do this. ( Astrology always helps you with timing.) Enjoy social outings with friends, playful times with children, sports events, movies or a picnic on the beach. Your ambition is aroused now— definitely.

SCORPIO ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21):

Home and family are your focus today. In fact, you might want to cocoon at home for a while so you can escape the busyness of the insanity around you. Fortunatel­y, relations with partners and close friends are warm. Discussion­s about shared property, taxes and inheritanc­es continue. ( Gulp.)

SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21):

This is a busy, fast- paced day! You will enjoy conversati­ons with others; however, you don’t want to indulge in superficia­l chitchat about the weather. Instead, you want to get right down to the nitty- gritty of things and find out what’s really happening. (“Are they still together?”)

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19):

Be patient with partners and close friends because it’s easy to be annoyed with them. ( Admittedly, they are annoying.) Neverthele­ss, Venus promises playful entertaini­ng diversions. Today in particular, you have your eye on money, cash flow and perhaps shopping?

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18):

Today theMoon is in your sign, which makes you more emotional than usual. However, it does attract a bit of extra good luck to you ( more than all the other signs). You win some, you lose some. You might test this by asking the universe for a favor?

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20):

You feel the need to cocoon at home or hide a bit because the busyness of everything around you is overwhelmi­ng. You need to take some time to catch your breath and get your bearings. ( Not Captain Queeg’s bearings.)

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