Chicago Sun-Times



“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to help aspiring players improve technique and develop logical thinking.

Declarer may have only one chance for his contract, but if he has two, he should arrange to try both, and in the proper order. In today’s deal, North wisely passes South’s preemptive opening bid. South expected to go down at least two when he preempted, so North’s values may be enough to give South a chance for nine tricks.

West leads a diamond, and East takes the K- A and leads a third diamond. South ruffs, draws trumps and must lead a heart next. When West has the ace, South can pitch a club on the king of hearts, losing two diamonds, one heart and ( when East has the king of clubs) one club.

If East had the ace of hearts, South would hope the club finesse won. But as the cards lie, South will go down if he finesses in clubs first.

East- West misdefende­d. Given West’s opening lead of the seven of diamonds, do you see how they can beat three spades? DAILY QUESTION You hold: partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: At this point, you want to place the contract or suggest a contract. The auction will be easier if you define your hand for partner. Bid 2NT, showing about ! "# your jack of hearts were the king, you would bid 3NT. In fact, since you have magnificen­t spots, you might try 3NT with your actual hand. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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