Chicago Sun-Times



I’ll have to say this for Grapefruit, my club’s sourpuss member: He has an even temperamen­t — always grumpy. He makes his partners miserable.

Grapefruit was today’s North in a penny game. As a passed hand, he showed hearts and diamonds, and South tried 3NT. West led the six of spades, and declarer put up dummy’s jack. He next led the king of hearts, but East won and led his last spade. West took four spades for down one, and Grapefruit told South that if he ever had a bright idea, it would be beginner’s luck.

“Oh, be quiet,” South growled. “How could I know how the cards lay?”

Grapefruit informed the kibitzers that South had made it into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn’t watching.

East was marked with the ace of hearts; West would have opened the bidding with that card plus five good spades ( and somebody held the queen and jack of clubs). On the first spade, South must play low from both dummy and his hand. Then the defense takes only four tricks. DAILY QUESTION You hold: dealer, at your left, opens one heart. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner has opening values or more with help for the unbid suits, especially spades. His hand is short in hearts. A bid of two spades wouldn’t do your hand justice. Jump to three spades to invite game or, with a timid partner, bid four spades. West dealer N- S vulnerable

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