Chicago Sun-Times


Will we still be relevant?

- BY SHARON JAYSON Kaiser Health News, a nonprofit health newsroom, is an editoriall­y independen­t part of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

A gnawing sense of irrelevanc­y and invisibili­ty suddenly hits many aging adults, as their life roles shift from hands- on parent to empty nester or from workaholic to retiree. Self- worth and identity may suffer as that feeling that you matter starts to fade. Older adults see it in the workplace when younger colleagues seem uninterest­ed in their feedback. Those who just retired might feel a bit unproducti­ve.

New research suggests this perception of becoming irrelevant is very real. And that’s why some seniors are determined to stay social, remain relevant and avert the loneliness often linked with aging.

“As people get older, there are fewer and fewer opportunit­ies to feel like they make a difference and matter,” said sociologis­t Markus Schafer, a faculty associate at the Institute for Life Course and Aging at the University of Toronto.

“One thing aboutWeste­rn societies, in general, is they’re much more a youth- centered society and don’t oftentimes give careful thought on ways older people can contribute to the lives of future generation­s,” Schafer said.

When people reach their 60s, opportunit­ies to offer advice drop dramatical­ly, said Schafer, the lead author of a study on how offering advice gives life more meaning. Overall, 1 in 5 adults in their 60s said they did not give advice to anyone in the past year, and the rate dropped to 1 in 4 people 70 and older, according to a 2016 study of more than 2,500 adults published in Social Psychology Quarterly.

That’s not all. A national survey of 1,000 adults age 64 and older conducted in August by the California- based non- profit SCAN ( formerly the Senior Care Action Network) found almost one- quarter of respondent­s agree “they aren’t important to anyone anymore.”

Having purpose and meaning forestalls loneliness, which takes an emotional and physical toll. Studies have found that loneliness is associated with weaker immune systems and poorer physical health.

In one study published in 2013, Lisa Jaremka, an assistant professor of psychologi­cal and brain sciences at the University of Delaware in Newark, found that lonely people had more inflammati­on than those who felt more socially connected. Chronic inflammati­on is linked to various diseases, as well as functional decline and frailty.

“Maintainin­g that social engagement can give you a greater sense of purpose and give a sense of motivation that can make you behave in ways that are better for your health,” said sociologis­t Patricia Thomas, a faculty associate in the Center on Aging and the Life Course at Purdue University inWest Lafayette, Indiana, who studies social engagement among older adults.

Some older adults in Austin, Texas, are finding their purpose with a community created by Aging Is Cool, an active- aging company founded just over a year ago by a couple whose previous careers in health care and fitness focused on seniors.

“It’s about staying visible and staying engaged,” co- founder Amy Temperley said. “If you hunker down in your house and you don’t interact with the world, you will decline.”

The model she and her husband, Damien, devised offers options to keep individual­s active and engaged. For $ 24 a month, members can attend unlimited classes and group activities, including hourlong fitness classes that stress strength, mobility and flexibilit­y; brain and memory training; and social and volunteer activities.

In addition to the membership group, the company offers 40 to 50 classes a month at assisted- living and senior- living communitie­s. It also maintains a non- profit fund at a local community foundation, allowing it to raise money for free classes at senior housing and recreation centers in low- income neighborho­ods to spur social connection­s.

Similar efforts are underway across the country as organizati­ons from the National Council on Aging to local YMCAs as well as city parks and recreation centers create social and recreation­al programs for “active older adults.”

A program to boost well- being, strength and social activities called Silver Sneakers, for adults 65 and older, is free with certain health plans. Although approaches vary, the overall aim for active older adults is to promote physical and mental agility and keep loneliness at bay.

Among these strategies, volunteeri­ng is now seen as an effective way to battle irrelevanc­y and loneliness. Buoyed by research that’s found health benefits for older adults who volunteer, one such study led by a Florida State University sociologis­t showed that volunteeri­ng appeared to have the same positive influence on health as exercise and not smoking.

“Volunteeri­ng is doing something that matters,” said Dawn Carr, an assistant professor of sociology at Florida State in Tallahasse­e. “Volunteeri­ng is shown to be, in many ways, a health behavior.”

Her study, published last year in the Journals of Gerontolog­y: Social Sciences, found that “becoming actively engaged in volunteeri­ng in later life is related to lower levels of subsequent disability.”

Finding employment isn’t so easy for older adults, which is why job search strategist Toby Haberkorn co- wrote “Best Job Search Tips for Age 60- Plus: A Practical Work Options Resource for Baby Boomers.” Haberkorn advises job seekers to update their appearance and “show you have the energy and expertise to manage the workload.”

Haberkorn’s tips to stay relevant in the workplace are also pertinent in daily life: “Show flexibilit­y and adaptabili­ty rather than regurgitat­ing the past. Become reasonably social media- and technology- savvy. Familiariz­e yourself with what young employees have an interest in— the music, whatever current events, the apps— and be able to have a reasonable discussion. Do not say ‘ Boomers have a better work ethic.’ Never, ever say ‘ I’m having a senior moment’ or ‘ I have a child your age.’ Don’t discuss your grandchild­ren. And keep your aches to yourself.”

Haberkorn advises taking a hint from 96- year- old actress Betty White.

“She still produces good work and she has a great amount of energy,” Haberkorn said. “Her entire package promotes a youthful and optimistic attitude.”

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 ?? | STOCK. ADOBE. COM ?? Some seniors are determined to stay social, remain relevant and avert the loneliness often linked with aging.
| STOCK. ADOBE. COM Some seniors are determined to stay social, remain relevant and avert the loneliness often linked with aging.

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