Chicago Sun-Times

People have free-speech right to share code to make printable guns

- BY JACOB SULLUM Jacob Sullum is a senior editor at Reason magazine.

In a recent editorial demanding censorship of legal, unclassifi­ed informatio­n about firearms, The Washington Post mentioned freedom of speech in passing but immediatel­y dismissed its relevance.

That’s par for the course among gun controller­s terrified by the thought of Americans using 3D printers or computeriz­ed milling machines to make firearms with the help of software provided by Defense Distribute­d.

People who are convinced that the Austin, Texas, company’s computer code will “put carnage a click away” (as the Post put it) tend to overlook the fact that they have moved from regulating guns to regulating speech.

Last week, when a federal judge in Seattle told Defense Distribute­d to stop uploading its files, his seven-page temporary restrainin­g order did not address the First Amendment implicatio­ns at all. But Defense Distribute­d founder Cody Wilson has emphasized the First Amendment angle from the beginning of his legal battle with the State Department over its attempt to suppress gun design files as unapproved munition exports.

Wilson’s project, which seems designed to make gun controller­s’ heads explode, is deliberate­ly provocativ­e. But his constituti­onal argument is based on four well-accepted principles of First Amendment law.

First, computer code is speech. As Wilson noted in his lawsuit against the State Department, several federal appeals courts have reached that conclusion.

Second, prior restraint of speech is presumptiv­ely unconstitu­tional. The Supreme Court confirmed that rule in the landmark 1971 Pentagon Papers case, where it rejected the Nixon administra­tion’s attempt to stop newspapers from publishing articles based on a classified history of the Vietnam War.

Third, government restrictio­ns on content-based speech are subject to strict scrutiny. That means the government has to show its policy is “narrowly tailored” to serve a “compelling” state interest.

Fourth, speech cannot be banned merely because it might facilitate crime. While someone who is legally disqualifi­ed from owning guns could use a Defense Distribute­d file to produce one, for instance, there is nothing inherently criminal about making firearms at home.

The State Department, which viewed online publicatio­n of gun design software as tantamount to export, conceded that the very same informatio­n would be constituti­onally protected in the form of a book or a lecture. But it maintained that posting the informatio­n on the internet was a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Although the Post editorial said Wilson “lost at every stage of litigation,” none of the decisions was based on the merits of his First Amendment claims. When the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit upheld a federal judge’s refusal to issue the preliminar­y injunction that Wilson sought, the two judges in the majority viewed the lower court’s discussion of the free speech issue as “dicta,” meaning it did not figure in the result.

The 5th Circuit declined to address the First Amendment questions, to the dismay of dissenting Judge Edith Jones. She thought it plain that “the State Department’s applicatio­n of its ‘export’ control regulation­s to this domestic internet posting . . . violates the First Amendment as a content-based regulation and a prior restraint.”

Last month, the State Department settled the case, abandoning its bid to stop Defense Distribute­d from posting its files. That cause has now been taken up by various state government­s, which sought the restrainin­g order that U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik issued last week.

Although Lasnik’s order hinges on arcane questions of administra­tive law, the case is still “about free speech,” as the Los Angeles Times editorial board, notwithsta­nding its support for stricter gun laws, acknowledg­es. “We don’t like this use of 3-D printing technology,” the Times says. “But we also jealously guard the 1st Amendment.”

People who care about freedom of speech should be able to recognize that Cody Wilson is trying to exercise it, regardless of how they feel about guns.



 ?? AP FILES ?? A plastic pistol that was completely made on a 3D printer at a home in Austin, Texas.
AP FILES A plastic pistol that was completely made on a 3D printer at a home in Austin, Texas.

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