Chicago Sun-Times

Let’s not go overboard

One Chinook at Montrose doesn’t mean run upon us

- DALE BOWMAN | @BowmanOuts­ide Joe Wilk poses with an early Chinook returning to shore. He caught it Friday from the jetty at Montrose Harbor.

My kind of text came Friday. ‘‘This morning on the jetty, fifth cast,’’ Stacey Greene from Park Bait texted.

Joe Wilk, a lakefront regular, had caught a 16½-pound Chinook salmon from the jetty at Montrose Harbor.

‘‘A few guys were fishing [Friday] night,’’ Greene texted. ‘‘I heard that there was another one about 20 pounds caught here at the mouth of the harbor, and I was just down there chit-chatting and saw a couple of porpoise.’’

Funny thing is, I was virtually alone Thursday evening.

One reason I was casting for kings so early is that boater Andy Mikos emailed last week: ‘‘I did catch one 9-pound male king that was already turning colors last Saturday, so it won’t be long until they start heading in for the shore, guys.’’

I had a couple of hours Thursday. Our daughter and friends wanted to attend the Chicago premiere of ‘‘Be More Chill’’ at Stage 773 in Lake View.

When I moved to Chicago after grad school, I lived around the corner. I forced them to endure my reminiscen­ces about the corner tavern/multiflat where I first lived. The tavern, where neighborho­od people once pitched pennies against the wall and drank Old Style, is now a sports bar for Wisconsini­tes. But I digress.

While they were at the theater, I spent a couple of hours at Montrose, near where Wilk caught his king the next morning. I flailed the water with a Frenzy crankbait by the west side of the jetty and along the rocks by Marovitz Golf Course.

Considerin­g some buoys on southern Lake Michigan hit 80 degrees this week, I find it hard to think there will be an early run.

Even so, I asked Vic Santucci, the manager of the Lake Michigan Program for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, for his take.

‘‘Sorry, Dale, too little informatio­n at this point for me to make any prediction­s,’’ he emailed. ‘‘This is the first I have heard about the Montrose fish. I did hear reports of some 20-plus-pound kings being caught by trollers out of North Point over the weekend. A number of shakers reported, too. I’m always glad when our anglers are able to catch kings this time of year.’’

Such is the pull of the shore return of kings.

Governor’s guts?

Let’s hope Gov. Bruce Rauner vetoes or holds off signing Senate Bill 2493, which would allow statewide feeding of deer out of hunting season under the auspices of scientific study, until public outrage builds. This bill, bad even by Illinois standards, undermines profession­al wildlife management.

Wild things

With flashes of yellow and black, goldfinche­s dash among the sunflowers . . . . Incessant trilling of dog-day cicadas packs the evening air.

Stray cast

Watching Tiger Woods on Sunday afternoon was like seeing an 8-foot sturgeon swim by the mouth of Burnham Harbor.

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