Chicago Sun-Times

Gov snuffs out bill to raise smoking age

- BY MITCHELL ARMENTROUT, STAFF REPORTER marmentrou­ | @mitchtrout

Gov. Bruce Rauner on Friday stubbed out a bill that would have raised the minimum age from 18 to 21 to buy cigarettes, vaping devices and tobacco products in Illinois.

In a letter explaining his veto to the General Assembly, Rauner called smoking “detrimenta­l to the health of Illinoisan­s of all ages,” but argued the bill would only limit consumer choice without keeping tobacco out of youthful hands.

“Raising the age people can purchase tobacco products will push residents to buy tobacco products from non-licensed vendors or in neighborin­g states,” Rauner said. “Since no neighborin­g state has raised the age for purchasing tobacco products, local businesses and the State will see decreased revenue while public health impacts continue.”

The bill’s lead sponsor, state Sen. Julie Morrison, D-Deerfield, lit up Rauner for nixing the legislatio­n, accusing him of siding “with Big Tobacco instead of our children.

“The Illinois communitie­s that stepped up and adopted Tobacco 21 on their own have seen a dramatic decrease in high school smoking rates,” Morrison said in a statement. “At a time of increased vaping use among teens, the governor had an opportunit­y to make a real investment in the health of our next generation. Instead, he favored political considerat­ions over the health of our children, and in doing so failed us all.”

Chicago is among 340 municipali­ties across the country — along with 25 others in Illinois — that have already raised the tobacco age to 21. Five states have raised the age to 21, and Massachuse­tts will become the sixth when it implements the age hike in December.

The veto drew swift condemnati­on from the American Cancer Society.

“Today could have been a historic day for Illinois,” spokeswoma­n Shana Crews said. “Unfortunat­ely, Governor Rauner chose to side with the tobacco industry and halt Illinois’ public health progress.”

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