Chicago Sun-Times

Fans of socialism should listen to folks who have lived under socialism

- Randy Rossi, Grayslake

Anybody who has actually seen the massive pain and suffering of socialism and communism in the world has to be stunned to find out that 51 percent of Americans ages 18 through 29 and 57 percent of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism in America today, per Gallup polls.

I have been to several current or former socialist and communist countries on business and have had people there tell me about the horror of living under socialism and communism. I have worked with people in the United States who risked their lives and fled socialist and communist countries who have told me the same thing.

It is stunning to see so many Americans falling for the poison of government-controlled socialism and communism. Especially when any informed person can watch the horrible suffering of the people in Venezuela today; they were naïve enough to vote for socialism. Venezuela was the fourth-most prosperous nation in the world, thanks to its massive oil reserves. Today, the average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds in the last 12 months because there is no food, and inflation is roughly 1 million percent a year.

Thanks to capitalism, America is the most prosperous nation — with the most prosperous middle class — in the world.

As John Wayne said, “Life is tough Pilgrim. It is really tough if you’re stupid.” Based on hard facts, preferring socialism over capitalism is just plain stupid!

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