Chicago Sun-Times



A reader says he and his partner argued after today’s tumultuous deal. When North opened two clubs, East boosted the bidding to the five level.

“I couldn’t act over that,” my reader writes, “but when my partner doubled, I bid five spades. He bid six.

“I won West’s heart lead with the king and led a trump. When East discarded, I couldn’t ruff my fourth heart in dummy without losing a trump to West’s jack, so I went after the diamonds: A-K and a diamond ruff. West overruffed, and I also lost a heart.”

Justified: “I think North should pass five spades. He insists he was justified in going on because I wouldn’t have bid five unless I expected to make it.”

I understand North’s bid. In fact, the bidding was fine since six spades was cold. After South takes one high trump, he can lead dummy’s queen of clubs and pitch a diamond! South ruffs the next club, takes the ace of diamonds, ruffs a diamond and draws trumps. He ruffs a diamond and returns to dummy for the two good diamonds.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ AKQ ♥ A62 ♦ AK762 ♣ Q 10. You open two clubs (strong, artificial), your partner responds two diamonds (negative or waiting), you bid 2NT and he bids 4NT. What do you say?

Answer: Your first two bids showed balanced pattern with 23 or 24 points, or a good-looking 22. Partner’s 4NT is not ace-asking but a “quantitati­ve” try for slam, just as a raise of a 1NT opening to 2NT would invite game. Since your values are minimum, pass.

South dealer

Both sides vulnerable

 ??  ??

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