Chicago Sun-Times

Johnson claims Brexit mandate after big win


LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged Friday to heal Britain’s divisions over Brexit after his gamble on early elections rewarded him with a commanding majority in Parliament and a new mandate to take his country out of the European Union at the end of January.

Johnson’s promise to “get Brexit done” and widespread unease with the leadership style and socialist policies of opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn combined to give the ruling Conservati­ve Party 365 seats in the House of Commons, its best performanc­e since party icon Margaret Thatcher’s last victory in 1987. Corbyn’s Labour Party slumped to 203 seats, 59 fewer than it won two years ago, vote totals showed Friday.

The results offer Johnson momentum to push his EU withdrawal through Parliament.

“I will put an end to all that nonsense, and we will get Brexit done on time by the January 31 — no ifs, no buts, no maybes,” he said as supporters cheered.

Johnson also offered an olive branch to Britons who want to remain in the EU, saying he will respect their “warm feelings” and build a “new partnershi­p” with the bloc as “friends and sovereign equals.”

French President Emmanuel Macron said it was time to build a common future.

“I also want to tell our British friends and allies something very simple: By this general election, you have confirmed the choice made more than three years ago, but you are not leaving Europe,” he said.

President Donald Trump congratula­ted Johnson on “a tremendous victory,” and said he looked forward to a new trade deal with Britain.

 ?? DAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES ?? Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks on Downing Street on Friday.
DAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks on Downing Street on Friday.

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