Chicago Sun-Times

If you care about clean air, water in the Midwest, let Trump hear about it


For anyone who cares about the environmen­t of the Great Lakes and the Midwest, now is the time to speak up. In 2017, the decidedly eco-unfriendly Trump administra­tion hired Cathy Stepp as administra­tor of the U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency’s Region 5, which covers Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. In the job, Stepp should have taken the lead in making sure our air and water are safe, but she proved to be no more than an active co-conspirato­r in Trump’s war on the environmen­t.

Now Stepp has resigned, effective Jan. 17. The White House and EPA Administra­tor

Andrew R. Wheeler, left to their own devices, probably would be happy to replace Stepp with someone who shares their see-no-pollution mindset. They need to hear from as many people as possible, especially members of Congress, that Region 5 needs a real steward of the environmen­t.

Under Trump, the staffing level at Region 5 has dropped to the lowest level since 1985, according to the union that represents workers at the agency. Fewer penalties are being imposed for environmen­tal violations, and fewer facilities are being forced to comply with federal law. The number of inspection­s has plummeted from 3,599 in 2015 to 799 last year.

Instead, Stepp has said, the agency is relying more on self-reporting from industry.

The risk of that approach was highlighte­d just this week when Indiana officials said ArcelorMit­tal’s steel plant in Burns Harbor, site of a toxic spill that killed 3,000 fish last summer, has been manipulati­ng test results in its self-disclosure reports.

Clean water, clean air and environmen­tal protection are nonpartisa­n priorities for people across the Great Lakes region. Yet the EPA’s Region 5 office has become less vigilant even as its mission has grown more pressing. Many state environmen­tal agencies in the Midwest have lost funding.

We rely on Region 5 to send trained experts into the field to identify new sources of environmen­tal risks and put a stop to them. The Chicago-based agency also runs the Great Lakes Restoratio­n Initiative, which is vital to protecting the lakes from pollution, invasive species and other threats.

With Stepp’s resignatio­n, the Trump administra­tion has been presented with an opportunit­y to finally take environmen­tal protection­s seriously in the Great Lakes region.

Every senator, congressma­n, governor and mayor — whether a Democrat or Republican — should get on the phone and make that happen.

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