Chicago Sun-Times



Today is Leap Day. (My wife was born on February 26, 1952. Had she arrived three days later, I’d be married to a woman 17 birthdays old.) Let’s mark the date with a truly grand leap in the auction: North opened one club, South bid 7NT.

South expected to claim after the opening lead, but the grand slam was no laydown. South took the ace of diamonds and counted only 12 top tricks. He cashed the ace, king and queen of clubs. East followed low and South ... paused before discarding from his hand.

13th trick: He finally threw a heart, and West also threw one. South next took three high hearts, but with West holding four spades and East the jack of clubs, no 13th trick was to be had.

After South wins the first diamond, he can take two more diamonds, then test the hearts. When the suit breaks 3-3, the slam is safe.

If instead a defender showed out, South would try the spades. If that suit also failed to break well, he would succeed if the jack of clubs fell or with a squeeze.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ K53 ♥ K64 ♦ J3 ♣ K Q 10 6 4. The dealer, at your left, opens two hearts, a weak two-bid. Your partner doubles. The next player passes. What do you say?

Answer: Since your partner promises opening values (at least), you must commit to game. One option is to jump to 3NT. The other is to start with a cue bid of three hearts. If partner then bids three spades, you bid 3NT, expressing doubt and giving him the option of pursuing a suit game.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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