Chicago Sun-Times



In an effort to improve his results, Cy the Cynic has been reading the horoscopes in our local paper. (I would bet he is a Pisces or a Capricorn.)

In my club’s penny game, Cy played at today’s four spades, and West led a heart. Cy took the ace and cashed the king, ace and queen of trumps. He next took the king of diamonds and finessed with dummy’s jack. East produced the queen, cashed a heart and shifted to the jack of clubs. Cy won in dummy and led the ace of diamonds, but West ruffed and cashed a club for down one.

“The stars are aligned unfavorabl­y,” the Cynic shrugged.

No shortage: Cy demonstrat­ed that no shortage of fault is to be found amid our stars. After he takes his high trumps, he must cash the A-K of diamonds, refusing a finesse (which, on the bidding and play, is likely to lose).

The Cynic then concedes a diamond to East’s queen, and when East shifts to clubs, Cy can take the ace and pitch his last club on a good diamond. He loses a trump, a diamond and a heart.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ A85 ♥ 10 8

♦ AJ542 ♣ A 8 7. Your partner opens one heart, you respond two diamonds and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

Answer: You have enough values for game, but which game to bid is unclear. Since partner has not promised more than five hearts, to raise to four hearts would be speculativ­e. If you bid 3NT, a black-suit opening lead may be damaging. Temporize with a bid of two spades to hear more from partner.

West dealer

N-S vulnerable


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