Chicago Sun-Times



Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s exceedingl­y hard to get it back in. And mistakes at the first trick are hard to overcome even if you have 12 more tricks to do it.

Today’s West led the deuce of hearts against four spades, and dummy played low. South was distressed when East took the king and shifted to the jack of clubs. South took the ace; an immediate finesse with the queen was premature. He drew trumps and led the king of diamonds, but when East won and led another club, the defense got two clubs.

South had 10 winners. He must win the first heart with the ace, draw trumps and force out the ace of diamonds. When East leads the jack of clubs, South can lose a finesse. He wins the next club and discards his third club on a high diamond in dummy.

If West had led a heart from the king, South could make at least one overtrick. At matchpoint duplicate, his play would have been reasonable. At IMP scoring or party bridge, South must assure his contract.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ 7 ♥ K73 ♦ A10952 ♣ J 10 9 8. Your partner opens one spade, you respond 1NT, he bids two diamonds and you raise to three diamonds. Partner then bids three hearts. What do you say?

Answer: If partner had four hearts, he would have bid two hearts over 1NT. He suggests 5-3-4-1 shape and asks you to judge how well your hands fit. Since your king of hearts is working and you have a fifth diamond, bid five diamonds. He may holdAQ654,AQ6,KJ64,6. South dealer

Both sides vulnerable

 ??  ??

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