Chicago Sun-Times



A club member who was recently married — he and his wife play in our duplicate games — came to me in the lounge.

“Before I got married,” he told me, “I didn’t even know there was a proper way to place a milk carton back in the refrigerat­or. But I’m learning.”

My friend was today’s East, and his wife led the nine of spades against 3NT: deuce, 10, queen.

“South lost a diamond finesse next,” he said. “I shifted to the jack of hearts. My wife took South’s king and led another spade, but after I took the jack and ace, South claimed, making three. My wife said I’d goofed. At least she was less assertive than usual.”

Assuming West has something in hearts (and if not, East’s play is moot), East must take the ace of spades at Trick One and lead the jack of hearts. The defense gets three hearts, a spade and a diamond.

East can’t beat 3NT with spade tricks, and if he lets South win the first spade, South will surely have nine tricks once he sets up the diamonds.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ K532 ♥ 5

♦ AQJ1063 ♣ A J. The dealer, at your right, opens one heart. What do you say?

Answer: You can overcall two diamonds. Then, if you hear two hearts at your left and two passes, reopen with a double. An option is to double first. If partner responds two clubs, you bid two diamonds, not promising great strength if your partnershi­p observes “equal-level conversion.” Decide with your partner what your style will be.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable

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