Chicago Sun-Times

Congress should protect access to health care at pharmacies

- BY STEPHEN FADOWOLE Olayinka “Stephen” Fadowole, PharmD, is a pharmacist who manages a Walgreens pharmacy in Chicago.

In Nigeria, where I grew up, my grandmothe­r struggled to receive the care she needed for cancer. Despite many long trips to the doctor, her symptoms didn’t subside. I often think of her when I’m vaccinatin­g patients for COVID-19 and other serious conditions in the South Side Chicago pharmacy where I work today.

Many patients here and elsewhere have no options for health care beyond the pharmacy. But unless Congress passes pending bipartisan legislatio­n, these patients could lose access to critical services that pharmacist­s provide.

Like many immigrants, I was enthralled by Chicago when I first arrived in 2011. I was especially captivated by the number of pharmacies! It was hard for me to believe that residents could simply walk a few blocks to receive care and services from qualified health care profession­als, often without no appointmen­t.

It was then that I decided to become a pharmacist to help patients, particular­ly the most vulnerable and those with inadequate access to care.

Many South Side Chicagoans who lack such needed access are African Americans and Latinos. Although these groups represent nearly 60% of all Chicagoans, they have less access to care and a lower life expectancy than other population­s.

When I started my pharmacy career, I quickly learned that South Side clinics are scattered, family doctors are few, care at emergency rooms is costly and waiting times are often long. I realized I had to work with my local community to improve health equity and to ensure that all patients have a chance to remain healthy. I knew it would be difficult, but I never expected these barriers to access would become as dire as they have during COVID-19.

While the pandemic overburden­ed many emergency care providers in Chicago, pharmacies remained open and expanded their health services. Patients relied on pharmacist­s to access COVID-19 tests, vaccinatio­ns and treatment, and to manage related health conditions that put them at greater risk for COVID-19 complicati­ons.

Nine in 10 Americans live within five miles of a pharmacy, making pharmacist­s the most accessible health care profession­als in the nation. Pharmacist­s have been essential in fully vaccinatin­g 74% of Chicagoans for COVID-19, including thousands who have visited my Walgreens pharmacy on the South Side or whom we have met in local schools, public spaces and places of worship.

Pharmacist­s in Chicago and across Illinois have demonstrat­ed a dedication to protect our neighbors through one of the most challengin­g public health crises of our time. But we’re doing so under a fragile infrastruc­ture.

For over two years, pharmacist­s have been providing these essential services — including COVID-19 testing and vaccinatio­ns — under temporary state and federal authoritie­s establishe­d in response to the pandemic. When these temporary authoritie­s lapse, patients in Chicago and elsewhere could lose access to essential care and services provided by pharmacist­s. This would include many seniors and other vulnerable patients who look to the pharmacy as their primary source of care.

Recognizin­g this gap, Republican­s and Democrats in Congress introduced H.R. 7213, the Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act. It would ensure that patients maintain access to essential pandemic-related care — such as COVID-19 testing or a drug regimen — provided by pharmacist­s, by reimbursin­g pharmacist­s through Medicare Part B for emergency-related services they provide in accordance with state scope of practice laws.

I urge the entire Illinois congressio­nal delegation to support this legislatio­n. Without it, patients in Chicago and elsewhere may struggle to protect their health during COVID-19 and in the future. In passing H.R. 7213, Congress can demonstrat­e leadership to provide equitable care for patients, combat COVID-19, and prepare for the public health threats of tomorrow.

 ?? MARK FELIX/GETTY ?? A health care worker prepares a dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine. Pharmacies have been a major source of health care for many during the pandemic.
MARK FELIX/GETTY A health care worker prepares a dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine. Pharmacies have been a major source of health care for many during the pandemic.

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