Chicago Sun-Times


Raunchy talking-pooch movie stalls when the humor stops and the violence starts


Just as “Sausage Party” was a raunchy spoof of familyfrie­ndly animated films and “The Happytime Murders” was an adults-only puppet crime comedy and “Good Boys” was a foul-mouthed take on middlescho­ol coming-of-age movies and “Ted” was, you know, “Ted,” the R-rated “Strays” is a foul-mouthed and cheerfully gross takeoff on the sentimenta­l talking-dog movie genre, e.g., “A Dog’s Purpose.” All right, OK, that’s a clever enough start, and with Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx as the lead pups, “Strays” delivers a handful of solid chuckles and a few laugh-out-loud moments — but it’s a premise that turns out to be awfully thin for a featurelen­gth film. I mean, there are only so many gags about dogs humping, vomiting and pooping before you just want to give all the strays double treats and tell them it’s time to take a break.

Another problem with “Strays” is the opening sequence, in which a scraggly but adorable Border Terrier named Reggie (Will Ferrell, a master at sounding innocent and naïve and optimistic, which is so Reggie) tells us about life with his human, Doug (Will Forte), a slovenly, selfish, crumb-bum lowlife who is constantly calling Reggie terrible names, pushing him off the couch and telling him he’s the worst dog ever. There’s no humor, none, zero, to be mined from this sequence, which only gets more heartbreak­ing when Doug keeps abandoning Reggie, who thinks Doug is playing a game and continues returning home until Doug finally drives so far, to the big city, that Reggie is hopelessly lost and alone.

In keeping with the R rating of this movie, what the actual BLEEP.

It takes us awhile to shake off the cruelty of Doug and settle in for the hijinks that ensue when a streetsmar­t Boston Terrier named Bug (Jamie Foxx) takes Reggie under his wing (paw?), teaching him the joys of being free to roam the world to do whatever they want. Bug also introduces Reggie to his best pals and fellow strays Maggie (Isla Fisher), a kind and smart Australian Shepherd who’s been pushed aside by her owner in favor of a designer puppy, and Hunter (Randall Park), an anxious Great Dane who was too stressed out by his work as an emotional support animal to continue on the job.

Reggie’s new friends say they’ll help Reggie find his way home to Doug — so that Reggie can finally stand up for himself and get his revenge by biting off Doug’s most prized possession. Okay, so it’s not “The Wizard of Oz,” but we have a mission, people!

Along the way, we’ll learn a rather disturbing detail about Bug’s backstory, and we’ll see the quartet of lovable misfit pups make a lot of jokes about a certain kind of sexual position and get into all kinds of misadventu­res, including lapping up beer in an alley and getting drunk, and chomping on mushrooms in a forest, which leads to the obligatory hallucinat­ion sequence.

We get a couple of celebrity cameos — including one that’s spoiled in the previews, but I’ll leave it non-specific here — that are absolutely hilarious, and there are a few genuinely touching moments contained within the bawdy gags, as when the gang helps find a missing Girl Scout. Other bits, such as a giant hawk swooping down and snatching Bug, fall flat.

Whatever the combinatio­n of Practical Pup Effects and VFX employed by director Josh Greenbaum (“Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar”) and team — it works. I mean, you either go along with that thing where dogs move their mouths and talk like humans, or you don’t. As you’d expect, Ferrell and Foxx and Park and Fischer have expert comedic timing, even while voicing canines. The doggos are having such a good time that we find ourselves hoping Reggie will just forget about the whole revenge quest, but alas, he makes his way back home — and there’s the monstrous and disgusting Doug, and we sigh heavily because we know the mood is going to get darker and violent but not necessaril­y funnier, and we’re not wrong. “Strays” might have worked a lot better were it not for the presence of that miserable human being.

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 ?? UNIVERSAL PICTURES ?? From left: Bug (voiced by Jamie Foxx), Reggie (Will Ferrell), Maggie (Isla Fisher) and Hunter (Randall Park) consider a mushroom dinner in “Strays.”
UNIVERSAL PICTURES From left: Bug (voiced by Jamie Foxx), Reggie (Will Ferrell), Maggie (Isla Fisher) and Hunter (Randall Park) consider a mushroom dinner in “Strays.”

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