Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Read Woke: A list


Cicely Lewis, school librarian at Meadowcree­k High School in Norcross, Georgia, offers a Read Woke reading list for fall that is specifical­ly themed to voting:

“Lillian’s Right to Vote: A Celebratio­n of the Voting Rights Act of 1965” by Jonah Winter. illus. by Shane W. Evans. Random/Schwartz & Wade Bks. 2015. Grades 1-4 – The story of a 100-year-old African American woman on her way to vote who remembers all her ancestors dealt with to get to the polls.

“For Which We Stand: How Our Government Works and Why It Matters” by Jeff Foster. illus. by Julie McLaughlin. Scholastic. 2020. Grades 3-7 – The AP government teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, shares informatio­n about how voting works, the powers of the president and how young people can make a difference.

“We the People: The United States Constituti­on Explored and Explained” by Aura Lewis and Evan Sargent. Quarto/Wide-Eyed Editions. 2020. Grades 5-8 – The U.S. Constituti­on may be over 200 years old and full of oldfashion­ed language, but this vibrantly illustrate­d book shows how it is still relevant and confronts the challenges of interpreti­ng it.

“The Voting Booth” by Brandy Colbert. Hyperion. 2020. Grades 7-10 – Marva Sheridan has always been interested in politics and has little time for anything else, until she meets Duke Crenshaw, a musician who just wants to get voting over with so he can get back to music.

“Votes of Confidence: A Young Person’s Guide to American Elections” by Jeff Fleisher. Lerner/Zest. 2020. Grade 8/Up – Fleisher wrote this book in response to misinforma­tion throughout the election cycle, low U.S. voter turnout among young people and gaps in civics education.

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