Chicago Tribune (Sunday)


- — Kathleen Saxe, distribute­d by Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n for UFS

This game challenges you to find as many words as you can, as quickly as you can, in one master word.

DISPEL (dih-SPEL): To drive away or cause to vanish by scattering.

Can you find 20 or more words in DISPEL?

Average mark: 15 words

Timelimit: 30 minutes

Here are the rules:

1. Words must be four or more letters. 2. Words that acquire four letters by the addition of an “s,” such as “bats” and “cats,” are not used. 3. Use only one form of a verb— either “pose” or “posed,” not both. 4. Proper nouns and slang terms are not used.

Answers to the word game:

lisp lied; plies; plied; pled; pile; pied; spied; sped; slip; slide; slid; sled; sidle; side; isle; idle; ides; diel; deli;

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