Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Bulk of online childhood vaccine claims inaccurate and unproven

- Dr. Whitney Casares American Academy of Pediatrics Dr. Whitney Casares is a member of the AAP Council on Communicat­ions and Media and blogs at @modernmomm­ydoc.

Q: I read a lot online about vaccines. Do kids really need so many shots? A: Childhood vaccinatio­n has been one of modern medicines biggest success stories. In fact, vaccines for children have been so successful that we no longer see many of the diseases that used to cause severe illnesses and lasting disabiliti­es.

Thanks to vaccines, most children will never get whooping cough, tetanus, polio or meningitis — so we rarely see how serious these diseases can be. As a result, parents may wonder if their child needs all of the vaccinatio­ns on the recommende­d immunizati­on schedule.

The schedule is approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and five other health care organizati­ons. It is based on a review of the most recent scientific data for each vaccine. To be on the recommende­d schedule, the vaccines must be licensed by the Food and Drug Administra­tion.

Perhaps you’ve wondered about vaccines and done Google searches. These days, it’s easy to search online and find answers that support a belief about the risks of vaccines. But the bulk of these claims are inaccurate and unproven.

A lot of this informatio­n is not just scary, it has caused parents to secondgues­s the facts they hear from their pediatrici­an and other trusted sources. And it scares people away from a vaccine that could save their child’s life.

You may be surprised to know that much of the “anti-vaccine” content on social media platforms about kids and vaccines originates from a tiny group of just 12 people.

In a 2021 analysis, the Center for Countering Digital Hate found that this tiny group of influencer­s — it nicknamed the “disinforma­tion dozen” — was the original source of about two-thirds of the anti-vaccine posts and messages. These 12 individual­s wanted to draw more traffic to their own websites.

Just like other rumors that go viral on social media platforms, these anti-vaccine posts are not checked for accuracy. They may not be the best or most accurate informatio­n about your baby’s vaccines. The following are other things to keep in mind.

Social media algorithms promote posts that are likely to appeal to a lot of people, like ones with the most clicks or followers or posts from celebritie­s.

When you click on or interact with even one false piece of informatio­n, the platform will show you more and more similar kinds of content. This can lead you into a disinforma­tion rabbit hole without you even realizing it.

The posts seem authentic and convincing. That’s why they are so effective at influencin­g parents who are searching for answers to questions about their child’s health. These posts spread easily and get shared by tens of thousands of people who may not even know where the post came from.

When experts post accurate content, they often get targeted by anti-vaxxers who want to drown out the facts.

Fears of a possible link between MMR vaccine and autism have led to under-vaccinated areas. Measles was declared eliminated in our country in 2000, thanks to vaccinatio­n efforts, but the virus still spreads, leading to outbreaks in the United States and around the world.

When reviewing facts about vaccines for your child, make sure you check the source. Have a high level of suspicion if you don’t recognize and trust the original source of the content.

And you can always verify informatio­n by going to credible sources like HealthyChi­ldren. org,, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website and your child’s pediatrici­an.


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