Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Removing the hurt: Nurse anesthetis­ts play crucial role in managing patients’ pain

- – Marco Buscaglia

Looking for a rewarding job in health care? Consider a career as a nurse anesthetis­t (CRNA). The profession is part of a specialize­d world of surgical support, where nurse anesthetis­ts enjoy increasing job prospects, job satisfacti­on, and competitiv­e salaries.

Job descriptio­n: Nurse anesthetis­ts are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who specialize in administer­ing anesthesia and managing pain during surgical procedures, childbirth and other medical t reatments. They can assess patients’ medical histories and physical conditions, develop and implement anesthesia care, administer anesthesia medication­s and monitor patients’ vital signs throughout procedures. “It’s all about helping manage pain before, during and after surgery or any medical treatment,” says Rita Nelson, a healthcare recruiter in Tampa, Florida. “You spend a lot of time discussing care with surgeons and anesthesio­logists to make sure everythi ng runs smoothly.”


Becoming a nurse anesthetis­t requires a significan­t investment in education and training. “You take extra steps to prepare for the profession,” says Nelson. “It’s a lot like any other nursing specialty – you have to get training that applies to the role.” First, earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from an accredited nursing program, then obtain a registered nurse (RN) license by passing the NCLEX-RN examinatio­n. Nurse anesthe tists gain clinical experience working as a registered nurse, preferably in critical care or anesthesia-related settings. Nurses then complete a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program with a specializa­tion in nurse anesthesia before obtaining certificat­ion as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetis­t (CRNA) by passing the National Certificat­ion Examinatio­n administer­ed by the National Board of Certificat­ion and Recertifi cation for Nurse Anesthetis­ts (NBCRNA).

Job outlook:

Nurse anesthetis­ts are in strong demand, which is expected to continue due to an increasing demand for surgical procedures and health care services, driven by population growth, aging demographi­cs and advances in medical technology. Many U.S. regions have shortages of anesthesio­logists, leading to greater reliance on nurses to provide anesthesia care. Also, as health care plans continue to expand, there has been an increase in patients seeking surgical and medical treatments, especially in rural and underserve­d areas.


While salaries vary based on experience, location and employer, nurse anesthetis­ts are among the highestpai­d nursing profession­als. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for nurse anesthetis­ts was $203,090 as of May 2023.

Job satisfacti­on:

Nurse anesthetis­ts often report high levels of job satisfacti­on. “The job is challengin­g and rewarding,” says Nelson. “Plus, nurse anesthetis­ts enjoy a lot of autonomy.”

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