Chicken Coops and Playgrounds

Expanding brooder


STEP 2: construct frames

For the front of the brooder (one of the 18-inch-by-36-inch pieces of plywood), create a frame by screwing two 36-inch 2x4s and two 11-inch 2x4s to it (screw from the inside of the plywood through the frame). Repeat this for the back.

STEP 3: create a box

Next, attach the sides (the 18-inch-by24-inch pieces) using four screws at each side, making sure that the corners meet up perfectly. You should now have a box.

Note: the frames should be on the outside of the brooder so that the inside of the box is smooth and chicks have no risk of injury from splinters.

STEP 4: attach the bottom

Lay your 20¼-inch pieces of 2x4 wood inside the box so that they are up against the bottom of the side panels (the 18-inchby-24-inch pieces). This creates a frame against the short sides that is similar to the one you just created for the front and back of the box. Using several screws for each side, screw through the plywood and into the 2x4s.

Now turn your box upside down and attach the 24-inch-by-36-inch piece of plywood (the bottom of the brooder) to the frame by sending several screws through the plywood and into the 2x4s around the entire box. Next you are ready to create the top of the box and fashion some dividers.

Provide young chicks with space away from unfamiliar adults until they are old enough to safely

join the flock.

STEP 5: create the top

The remaining 24-inch-by-36-inch piece of plywood will simply lie on top of the brooder. If you like, you can add hinges and a latch. Drill a dozen or so small holes into the plywood for ventilatio­n using the 3⁄4-inch spade bit.

STEP 6: create sections and dividers

Measure, mark, and cut eight 18-inch lengths of 1x2 pine. Using your tape measure and pencil, make marks along both 36-inch sides of your box at 12 inches and 24 inches so that the box is evenly divided into three 12-inch sections. At each of the marks, measure and mark 1⁄4 inch out from each side so that you have a 1⁄2-inch space between the farthest marks; these marks are where you will attach your divider guides. Attach an 18-inch length of 1x2 vertically on either side of each 1⁄2-inch mark (you should have four sets of two 18-inch 1x2s) by screwing the pine into the plywood at the top, bottom, and center. Finally, slide in your plywood dividers.

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