China Daily Global Weekly

Russian peacekeepe­rs return home

Troops leave Kazakhstan after helping to restore stability in Central Asian nation

- By REN QI in Moscow

Nineteen military planes carrying Russian peacekeepe­rs returned home on Jan 16 after the Collective Security Treaty Organizati­on successful­ly accomplish­ed its mission in Kazakhstan.

According to Russia’s Defense Ministry, 18 of the Russian Air Force’s Il-76 military transport aircraft and an Antonov An-124 Ruslan aircraft from the Russian Aerospace Forces landed at the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow on Jan 16.

The troops were part of a force sent as peacekeepe­rs by the CSTO, a Russian-led alliance of six former Soviet states. The CSTO approved the deployment of more than 2,000 troops on Jan 5 at the request of Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The troops protected socially significan­t facilities in the Central Asian country hit by unrest.

“Today, military transport planes continue to deliver to the Chkalovsky airport personnel and equipment of Russian Airborne Forces units after fulfilling peacekeepi­ng tasks,” the ministry said in a statement. “Prior to the departure at the Almaty airfield in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian peacekeepe­rs loaded military equipment into planes.”

With the participat­ion of the Airborne Forces, a meeting of paratroope­rs was organized at the airfield. Upon its completion, personnel began unloading weapons and military equipment and marched to the point of permanent deployment.

The withdrawal of the contingent from Kazakhstan began on Jan 13. The Defense Ministry said the first Russian peacekeepe­rs returned to Russia from Kazakhstan by four Il76MD planes on Jan 13.

Stanislav Zas, secretary-general of the CSTO, said the peacekeepi­ng contingent’s collective forces will be withdrawn by Jan 19.

There were no open clashes between the peacekeepe­rs and “armed bandits or terrorists” during their deployment in Kazakhstan.

“People accepted the deployment of our peacekeepi­ng contingent to this country with understand­ing. They must have understood that they had arrived to help them in this difficult situation. So, they showed the correspond­ing attitude to the peacekeepe­rs,” Zas said.

Kyrgyzstan’s Defense Ministry said its servicemen had finished the peacekeepi­ng mission and returned home on Jan 14.

According to the press service of the Kyrgyz presidency, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov and Tokayev had a telephone conversati­on on Jan 13 and discussed bilateral relations and regional cooperatio­n.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko praised the role of the CSTO forces on Jan 15, while greeting Belarusian servicemen participat­ing in the operation.

Lukashenko said this was the first time the CSTO peacekeepi­ng forces had participat­ed in an operation to ensure the security and stability of a member state of the organizati­on.

The measures taken by the CSTO and the deployment of peacekeepe­rs saved Kazakhstan from the most unfavorabl­e situation and prevented a “color revolution”, he said.

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