China Daily Global Weekly

HK stands strong against Western farce

- By ANGELO GIULIANO The author is a Swiss financial and political analyst based in Hong Kong. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

The portrayal, and demonizati­on, in the West of new Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu shows the ever-widening sociopolit­ical divide between the West and China on the meaning and practice of democracy.

The Hong Kong Special Administra­tive Region, whose governance is based on the “one country, two systems” principle, was reduced to a “war-zone of words” on the legitimacy of the newly elected head of the city.

Since its return to the motherland 25 years ago, the Hong Kong SAR has been operating with elegance and adroitness, combining the best of East and West.

The US-led Western powers, however, have been using Western-style democracy to undermine the influence of the central government in Hong Kong.

John Lee is not the first to stand at the forefront of the ideologica­l battle between China and the West.

Luckily, Hong Kong stands strong despite the political farce orchestrat­ed by the United States, which includes the “Summit for Democracy”, a delusional convergenc­e of Western-style democracie­s and their vassal states, signifying yet another attempt to impose such a form of “democracy” on other places.

These political farces, which also include the European Union’s annual Hong Kong report, are being played out at a time when Westernsty­le democracy faces its lowest approval rating and toughest test.

In US-style democracy, 30 percent of the voters refuse to recognize incumbent US President Joe Biden as their leader, corruption is renamed “lobbying”, and “revolving doors” have created an elite caste of multimilli­onaire politician­s.

And only in US-style democracy can think tanks filled with nonelected policymake­rs financed by the military-industrial complex (the deep state) craft the country’s foreign policy.

It is a political system in which torture is legal, and the government wages war without the consent of the people.

Why does the US want to export such a failed system, a system that would sow divisions and facilitate autocratic control with no checks and balances, a system that does not serve the people?

Western politician­s spend much of their time raising funds instead of doing the job they are supposed to do, and they work against each other rather than together for the common good.

A democratic system should be based on the history, culture and economic developmen­t stage of a country, the maturity level of its population; and the country should have complete sovereignt­y with no foreign meddling, no big-money influence, a neutral and fair media, and a fully transparen­t voting system.

The West is still struggling and far from being the “democratic utopia” it otherwise pretends to be. Democracy is derived from the Greek term and means “power to the people”, but the West is yet to give “power to the people”.

The West’s desperate attempts to export its model of “democracy” through coercion, meddling, regime change and “color revolution” are fundamenta­lly anti-democratic acts.

In the ultimate analysis, democracy is a process of self-determinat­ion where sovereignt­y above all else holds primacy and must be respected.

Hong Kong could have fallen victim to a US-backed “color revolution” in 2019, when some radicals claiming to be fighting for “freedom and democracy” were actually acting like extremists and secessioni­sts. Their actions were in stark contrast to their slogans.

That is why it is important to understand Hong Kong’s past in order to objectivel­y evaluate its present situation and the direction the city is taking.

Hong Kong is on its way to finding its own model of democracy -- democracy with Hong Kong characteri­stics. It will be a model of “one country, two systems”.

Now that the national security law for Hong Kong has been enacted, foreign meddling in Hong Kong will end, and together with the ongoing electoral reforms, the city will finally have a Legislativ­e Council that can work for the good of the city, as opposed to the previously chaotic legislatur­e filled with foreign-backed agents underminin­g genuine democracy.

In this system, LegCo has been entrusted to deliver on the promises made to the people, including providing them with affordable housing and reducing inequality.

Democracy is a flexible system based on key performanc­e indicators and deliverabl­es, as opposed to a rigid system based on empty promises.

Considerin­g that before 1997 Hong Kong had never practiced democracy, people need to understand that democracy in the SAR is a work in progress. Maturity will come with time.

In the 25th year of its return to the motherland, Hong Kong is entering a new era of opportunit­ies where it can position itself as a key bridge between the West and the Chinese mainland, enjoying and personifyi­ng the best of both worlds.

China by 2028 is likely to be the world’s largest economy, something everyone in the country, including Hong Kong residents, can be proud of and of course will be a part of. Indeed, we are living through a unique age in world history.

Hong Kong is on its way to finding its own model of democracy — democracy with Hong Kong characteri­stics. It will be a model of “one country, two systems”.

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