China Daily Global Weekly

Safeguardi­ng regional peace, stability

US must discard its self-centered and divisive games against China for the good of Asia-Pacific

- By KHALID TAIMUR AKRAM The author is executive director, Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future, Islamabad. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

The United States’ efforts to promote so-called democracy across the world by creating divisions among countries are heightenin­g tensions in the Asia-Pacific region. And its ambiguous stance on the Taiwan question — despite saying it acknowledg­es the “one-China policy”, it continues to sell weapons to the Chinese island — is a ploy to maintain Washington’s hegemony.

Michael McCaul, Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, recently said the US will provide weapons for Taiwan, and will ensure their delivery.

This is not only an attempt to further raise the already high tensions in the region but also a direct interferen­ce in China’s internal affairs.

Tensions between China and the US have escalated due to the increasing frequency and intensity of Washington’s illegal military activities in the South China Sea, which are a threat to China’s national security and contrary to the spirit of the UN Charter.

The US has also been conducting reconnaiss­ance operations and military exercises off the coast of China in recent years in violation of internatio­nal law and the basic norms of internatio­nal relations.

Despite the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US has continued to hold military drills in the South China Sea in an attempt to not only warn Russia but also provoke China, significan­tly increasing the risk of a conflict. The US has also been flexing its military muscles by ordering its naval ships to sail through the Taiwan Strait in the name of “freedom of navigation”.

Washington’s foreign policy has become increasing­ly problemati­c over time, with recent unscripted remarks by US President Joe Biden complicati­ng the matters further. Biden, as a matter of fact, has come to be known as a president who says one thing and does another. Perhaps his biggest political faux pas was not stopping Nancy Pelosi, then House of Representa­tives speaker, from visiting Taiwan in August 2022, which further undermined Sino-US relations.

But despite the US’ continued illegal efforts to spread propaganda against China and rally other countries to join the anti-China camp, many countries have refused to take sides in the disputes between Washington and Beijing. Instead, many of these countries are deepening their economic relations with China while taking measures to diversify their business operations and build new supply chains. This is evidenced by China overtaking the US to become the European Union’s largest trading partner in 2020.

Since many Asian and European leaders seek to strengthen their countries’ economic relations with China, Washington’s strategy to decouple from China and isolate it in the global economy is not bearing fruit. In particular, many countries in the Global South, including African countries, refuse to become a pawn in the US’ geopolitic­al game.

Saudi Arabia, China’s largest trading partner in the Middle East, relies heavily on collaborat­ion with Chinese tech companies such as Alibaba and Huawei to realize its Vision 2030 developmen­t plan, while Indonesia, a country the US has tried to use to curb China’s growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region, has chosen Huawei to help address its cybersecur­ity problems.

Washington’s geopolitic­al strategy, since it is self-centered and divisive, has been rejected by many countries. It is not aligned with the interests of other countries that are expanding their economic relations with China while diversifyi­ng their business operations. Given this, the US has lost its credibilit­y.

It is time the US learned to accept the reality of China’s peaceful rise and its growing image as a promoter of peace and developmen­t. Washington could also learn from the June 2-4 Shangri-La Dialogue, where the defense ministers of Asia-Pacific countries discussed how to maintain peace in order to create a favorable atmosphere for common developmen­t for mutual benefit.

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